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The Seeds of Sasan spread [Plot/NoM]

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Solomon's Proxy

Solomon's Proxy

The land of steel and mountains was twinkling. The ore-rich peaks reflecting a parhelion across its' barely thawed edges. The false sun would herald the coming importance of this fine spring day. Summer was soon to arrive, the avian symphony beginning their morning song. Months had passed since the mad wise man of morality had visited. Was the power he had brought for the Knight-King of Sasan a curse or a blessing? For certain, it was the spark needed to ignite the passions of the people once again, for on this morning they began to march.

Stmp stmp stmppp!!!

A stampede of cast iron and copper, shaking the bricks and mortar that lined the way up to the Azure Palace. Gripping the air, the melody of conquest. It filled the air garnering attention from those who had filled their service and those yet too. Freshly baked bread had barely just been put away to cool and children were coming to play. The day to die would die with the commotion, it would only come out to rise. The cacophony seeming to silence as the show began to start.

"As our Mighty Lord blesses the day, I see how the mighty of Sasan sanctify these lands!" Xerxes Uriens had stepped out from the balcony on the south side of his palace. He was adorned in armor of midnight blue, a white scarf, and black undergarments.

Scanning around the king would speak up again once more "Our Crusades showed us the world, they showed us what it truly is! It also exposed us to our own shortcomings. However, in our loss, we gained knowledge, understanding, and a plan to claim the lands that were promised for us! " His roars language would awake the attention of this listening. Many wanted a better home, and maybe this was the path to it.

As interest began to garner the speech would continue "Our crusades have no ended, our battles will continue. Before we went out and saw, we fought, but now we will convert and claim what should belong to us, to the true faith of the world. If they wish to live, it will be by God's almighty command! We shall all inquire and we shall conquer!" With his fervor a gesture would follow, leading to his malformed heir and other two offspring.

Leon would step forth, then Artaxerxes who was 2 years his younger, and the youngest Kamran, only twelve years of age. The eldest stood, fused with magic and metal to be a corvid-esque nightmare. He would stand manically, while Artaxerxes right next to him would stand confident but reserved. Kamran on the other hand would be standing halfheartedly behind both of his brothers. Whilst the three Uriens males would stand proud, once again their father would start to speak.

"Leon, my proud boy will lead the efforts known as the Inquisition, to convert and acquire lands for our peoples, and whilst he does this, I shall have Artaxerxes lord over a land nearby, to start expedition process. It is time we expand outside of our walls, they safeguarded us, but now we must protect what will be ours!" his words would echo amongst the attentive crowd.

As their eyes would stay focused, Leon the future king would step before the crowd, each of the boys would be expected to give a few words.

The Seeds of Sasan spread [Plot/NoM] 6b9331876cc7c05282332c40c493b783

He was a walking nightmare, a mesh of avian features and metal. The creak from his joints would silence any surrounding noises, and his previous warm voice no longer sang. Now it was deeper, cold and rumbling, with the occasional whine and crack. "For our paradise..." he would begin to say."We shall purge the heretics, those weak of faith who have costed us! Those loyal to Sasan shall carry our word, for even if we cannot hold the lands, we will hold the faith! We shall squeeze them dry, tell their blood runs blue with piety!"

[i]Shnkkkk![/i ] Leon's hands would shriek, as he clutched them tight finishing his speech "THE WORLD BELONGS TO THE FAITHFUL, TO THOSE WHO FIGHT!"

Stepping back, his much shorter, but still confident brother would step up. With his hair swept back, free from a standard head wrap he would walk up. Some weren't so sure of his faith, but he did what his father asked, and now he was asked to help establish a presence and a city in the Reiman province of Gual. He was going to deal with the Louve clan.

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As he questioned what to say, how to act, he would speak with false bravado. "We've grown strong from the mines, but the world holds more out there for us. There are rich plains and fields which we can explore, rivers we can rest beside. I know many desire comfort, and we shall have it, and others shall have our faith."

Plenty of what he said was just to appease his father and try to comfort the people, they could interpret his words in their own way. Stepping back to his position in the back it would give Xerxes a chance to step forward once again. He didn't have much else to say, but a simple cry "For the Lord, For Sasan, For Prosperity by steel!"

With a raise of his sword, the crowd's screams would reach the heavens. Soon iron boots would march again, on soils returned. While many of their knights were still out there this was a good chance for more to arise, for them to make more of their losses. There was always something to gain from failure.

Notes: Sasan Inquisition Special Jobs to be released soon, Sasan Job update, and Sasan boards outside the city walls are open to non-Sasanid players

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