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On The Road Again #2(Plains To Reim)

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Well time is wasting to say the least. As the trio went to the plains and well ended up with nothing. But the good thing was that the group. Had a very good team building moment. Now it was up to them to leave this place and set a new. Ghost had a new look all so powerful one. But to say he was not powerful would be a blow. He been thinking this for a few days now. But indeed he needed to do a power play and do it fast. As time was running out for his ohana.

Looking over her would see Moka and Mya both just relaxing. As a smile came over his face. What was next on thier list of things to do? What could they truly do to say the least. All seemed so surreal that they even made it that far. But one thing was for sure he was glad he did have them by his side. As he knew he was going to get up in the ranks real soon. Now as time went on it would be about two days before the group would start to see signs of thier home. A land filled with sand and a hot sun to go along with it. Ghost would look on as he thought that. Looking at his ohana he would smile yet again. " Listen up you two as now is the time to do a certain something. As once we get back home we truly will not have time to relax so as of right now get your things together and prepare yourself. We will be heading into danger pretty soon and I need you all to do your best. I could feel things are going to change really soon. But first we have to put a few things into place to say the least." Ghost would say that has thier horse drawn carriage would come to a stop. Ghost would look on as the group had work to do. Getting out of the carriage the group would look on as they made thier way home. It would good to be back. He would look around as the people seemed merry. Well at least they tried to as the group look to make thier way back home. Looking on Ghost would smile as he knew ot was time to get things going yet again.

Wc402/400 Travel thread compete

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