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Combat Systems

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1Combat Systems Empty Combat Systems 05/07/16, 10:55 am



Combat System

Here at Magi World the combat system is designed to be as simple as possible in terms of explanation in order to allow for more freedom and open ended versatility in execution. The information listed here is the hard guidelines, but in practice exceptions may occur if the conditions are right. Such exceptions will be handled on a case by case basis and reviewed by multiple staff members.

The combat system is broken up into the following key pillars:

Damage - Covers dealing and taking damage as well as avoiding it.

Special Effects - Covers status ailments and unique effects that do not directly deal damage.

Basic Actions - Covers what your character can do without the use of abilities or magic.

Ability Actions - Covers what your character can do while assisted by abilities or magic.

Clashing - Covers how attacks and abilities interact with each other.


Here on Magi World we base damage on tiers and logic.

D-tier - Attacks of this level are relatively negligible in destructive force. They can cause bruising, small cuts, and minor burns. The only way to really subdue or kill an opponent with these types of attacks is by dealing a mass number of them or targeting a vital point with several.

C-tier - Attacks of this level begin to cause meaningful injury by themselves. They can cause fractures, bleeding gashes, and moderate burns. These are effective at limiting enemy performance slightly and a handful of well placed hits can kill or subdue an enemy.

B-tier - Attacks of this level are decidedly dangerous. They can cause broken bones, heavy cuts that nick bone, and terrible burns. These can cripple foes and a single solid blows could indirectly lead to death due to bleeding or trauma to vital organs.

A-tier - Attacks of this level are lethal by themselves. They can shatter bone, sever bodies cleanly, and turn flesh to ash. These can potentially kill enemies in a single blow.

Now, just because you got hit with an A-tier attack, this doesn't mean you've just been murdered. It has the POTENTIAL to kill in a single blow, but this doesn't mean it always will.

For example, an A-tier sword slash that strikes your index finger will slice through it like a hot knife through butter. However, since your finger is the only part of your body to be struck, lethal damage has not been dealt. You would lose the finger, but you are still very much alive.

Exactly how badly characters are injured by attacks is up to the Role Players involved in a thread. If disputes arise over this, try to settle them between each other using PMs first. If a settlement can't be reached, pm a staff member.


Whether you are using basic actions or abilities to evade, block, or counter incoming damage, always keep in mind that no one is perfect or invincible. You must have a legitimate IC reason for why you are able to dodge or evade perfectly if you are attempting to do so. If you are diving out of the way of a giant fire ball and you don't have a good reason for why you would come out unscathed, you should at least take some minor burns. If an enemy is sending flurries of attacks your way and you lack significant speed trait advantages over them, you shouldn't be able to weave in and out of the strikes effortlessly. Take some cuts and gashes as you do so.

While we do not have reaction times on-site players still do have a basic ability of how much they can do at once, or much they can do in their reaction. While you may be able to dodge ability or respond with one of your own does not mean you can perform overly complex actions in an instant, plenty of action is reflexive and that should be considered in combat.

Play fair and take your hits. Failure to do so will result in staff declaring auto-hits your character. Auto-hits will continue until you fix your behavior or your character dies, whichever comes first.

Like with damage above, attempt to resolve disputes between yourselves first before pming a staff member to settle whether or not a dodge/block was successful.

Special Effects

Anything that doesn't fall under dealing direct damage is considered a special effect. This means that special effects include(but are NOT limited to) the following:

-Setting something on fire for a period of time
-Turning invisible
-Inflicting paralysis
-Dousing someone in flammable material
-Creating a lingering smoke cloud
-Extending your reach using magic
-Healing spells

When adding a special effect to an ability or item, or even making an ability or item with the sole purpose of performing a special effect, always keep in mind the tier of the ability or item. Special effects will be graded on a case by case basis.

Basic Actions

The extent of your capabilities with basic actions will greatly be determined by your race and traits. Damage and movement speed will vary between characters, but the important things to keep in mind are the following.

-Basic actions do not cost magoi or stamina

-Basic attacks are unable to beat abilities in a "direct" clash but can potentially beat abilities through  "indirect" clashes.

-Basic dodges should almost always result in taking at least SOME minor damage.

-This is an ani-manga forum based on the Magi verse, so everyone is capable of jumping a lot higher than a normal human in real life. You're capable of pretty exaggerated movements. Just don't go running as fast as speeding arrows or leaping tall buildings in a single bound.

Ability Actions

Abilities are a broad term which covers a lot of different actions. Thankfully they can be condensed down to one of two types.

1. Trained techniques which a character has practiced in order to produce a well honed action. Generally these are based on physical movements and consume stamina. However there are some exceptions such as magoi manipulation.

2. Magic spells a character casts through being a magician or the use of magic tools. These consume magoi without exception, however magic tools generally use less.

Abilities are superior to basic actions in the sense that they allow your character to exceed the normal limitations they naturally have. A human who only deals D-tier damage with a basic punch can potentially deal A-tier damage with an ability. An Imuchakk who is usually slower than the other races and get a burst of speed by using an ability.


There are two types of clashing that can take place in combat. Direct and Indirect.

Direct Clashing - This is whenever two actions interact in a way that would logically result in one or both being damaged or destroyed. Fireballs meeting ice spears, swords meeting shields, and strength magic fists meeting clubs are all examples of direct clashing.

In a direct clash, equal tier potency (damage) actions will end in a stalemate. A difference of one tier results in the weaker of the two taking half the damage of the stronger action. A difference of two tiers or more results in the stronger action dealing full damage.

Indirect Clashing - This is whenever two actions interact in a way that would logically not result in one or both being damaged or destroyed. Punches meeting mist clouds, poisons meeting water, and flames meeting lightning bolts are all examples of indirect clashes.

In an indirect clash, the results depend entirely upon the situation. They will be treated on a case by case basis where general logic applies.

2Combat Systems Empty Re: Combat Systems 13/07/16, 05:02 pm




This section will be building off the above post to describe some more advanced aspects of combat, damage dealing, and abilities, that haven't been covered yet.

Damage Stacking
Whenever you are attacking someone, all sources of power should be considered. If you use a D-tier ability that normally does D-tier damage, but it includes the use of an A-tier sword, logically the sword would not lose sharpness temporarily. So if the attack lands, it would deal A-tier damage. Using an A-tier ability with a D-tier sword will also deal A-tier damage assuming doing so was the ability focus. The strongest aspect of your attack is used to calculate damage and physical strength granted by traits is part of those calculations. This makes melee fighters much more dangerous at higher tiers. As their weapons are upgraded, even their weakest abilities can become  strong enough to deal fatal damage.

Ability Stacking
Using abilities in conjunction with each other is a tricky, but rewarding skill to master. This is where the wording and flavor text of your abilities can play a vital role in setting up combinations. One example of stacking abilities would be using a magic tool to produce an AoE of fire around you, then using a Warrior ability to perform a slash that produces a wave of air pressure as part of its description. Normally, the air pressure mentioned would just be flavor text with no real function in battle. However, in this case, it could be used as justification for causing a sliver of flames to slightly exceed the normal limitations of the AoE.

Ability stacking can be used to increase the power of an attack, give it more versatility, or exceed its normal limitations in some way. The exact results are situational and depend on the context of what abilities were used and how. Some abilities stack very well together while other abilities would probably just cancel each other out.

Ability stacking can be done by yourself or with the help of other characters. However, because the results of ability stacking are not officially approved abilities, be aware that something you think would work might not sound so reasonable to your opponents. If a conflict arises over ability stacking, contact an admin to settle the dispute.

Creation Note: Extreme Magics may be combined if they share a magic type, combining the two spells combining for an additional effect. Combo abilities in general stack and carry damage so it's important to keep this in mind. Multiple A-tier mages of four or more are capable of combining spells to replicate an omega tier spell. ((Plot related situations only))

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