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Awakening the Unknown. [Mission//Ptolemy]

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"Are these deserts truly the home of a secret that could restore the balance to this world? Or is this simply a new lie being told in attempt to find hidden treasures?"

This was truly simply spoken proof of how much trust Xylo had for his father. The so called great pharaoh was someone most would die for, as he was adored and glorified by his citizens, however Xylo did not cherish these ideals. But, nether less, Xylo would continue his duty in the Heliohapt army, which would lead to a mission in finding a lost civilisation without a clue in the world about where it's location was. A heavy sigh would leave Xylo's lips as his body would stand firmly atop a lone sand dune.

A light wind would gather from the east, allowing a cloud of gold to sparkle across the desert expanse. Xylo had no clue as to where he was to look, so whilst standing atop the highest sand dune in the general vicinity, golden hued lenses would pan across the horizon in search of his destination or any clues as to where it was. It would seem this day was to be a long one.

Wordcount: 209/1000

Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

Being known as something of a desert guide was both a blessing and a curse. On one side, you could always find work. On the other, people were always looking for you for one reason or another. From finding lost treasures to searching out a new route to lands yet unexplored.... Ptolemy had heard it all, or at least that's what he thought. Sadly that particular bubble had been broken when men under order of the Pharaoh had come looking for him. Of course he tried to elude them, not knowing what they could possibly want... But in the end they had corned him at home while he had been eating supper, which he thought to be extremely rude. Though if he had known what they had wanted, he doubted he would have hidden from them at all.

And so it was that he had been sent on a mission, a mission into the desert wastes in search for a lost civilization. One that had vanished some years prior... For no good reason that anyone could find. Each and every step took him deeper into the vast emptiness that was that place, farther and farther away from civilization. At least that's what he thought that is, until he caught sight of a man standing atop a dune. Ptolemy blinked once then chuckled to him self raising a hand in greeting before calling out. "Hello there! Fine day for a walk through the sand now isn't it?" His long dust cloak shivered in the wind as he threw back his large straw hat. "What bring you out here, friend?" The one armed mans voice carried with it a friendly tone, though he was still on his guard. Bandits were known to prowl these lands.




The next little event in the desert took Xylo by surprise, the Desert of Forgotten Souls was a wide empty expanse that would expand which would seem like without end, however a voice would exclaim from behind the young Heliohapt prince. A single brow would raise across his face as his body rotated backward allowing his golden gaze to gleam at the individual who had gathered at this exact spot.

Looking upon a man with his body cloaked and a straw hat sitting atop his crown, it was an odd appearance, however simply fitting for this environment, something he hoped the magic tools placed around Heliohapt would change one day. However without letting his mind wander throughout an abyss of what should and shouldn't be, Xylo would answer back to the man before him.

"I guess so. Although i can't say this weather has changed in over 5 years, I guess everyday is a 'fine day' to walk in the sands huh?"

Both hands of the Heliohapt prince would reach for his the back of his head allowing his fingers to pinch the ends of his bandana before pulling outward, swiftly tightening it's grip across his forehead whilst listening to the man before him.

"Nothing of importance, i'm simply a wandering soldier with a specific mission. How bout you? Why is it you stand before me when there is a vast desert around us?"

Xylo was quite obnoxious and rude unintentionally with his words, but i guess it's what came with the lifestyle in Heliohapt. However he was slowly learning the importance of keeping his identity a secret to those whom weren't of importance, as his life was a tool in itself to the throne of Heliohapt. This man seemed with no ill intentions but Xylo had no accuracy on the matter. So he had to ask it…

"I'm sorry to be a bother, but i have no idea who you are. Your name sir?"

Wordcount: 345 (554/1000)

Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

A smile crept across Ptolemy's face as he listened to the man speak, if only because he was starved for company... After all Aten didn't say much. Of course that didn't stop the snake charmer from talking the poor creatures ears off at times, not that he had ears in the first place, but that was mostly semantics. His steps took him closer, climbing the dune the other man stood on slowly half falling done a time or two as he made his way up, the only thing stopping him being his good arm. As he reached him, he let his eyes wander the other man, assessing him as he did so.  Most people wouldn't think you could tell much about a man by his appearance, but those people would be wrong. Clothes, stance hair, everything told a story and this man was no different in that regard.

The first thing he noticed, was that his clothing was remarkably well made despite its travel warn appearance. More costly then any simple soldier could well afford. It hardly mattered of course, but it was worthy of note none the less. "Name's Ptolemy~ And I gotta say its nice to see another friendly face!" He chuckled as he held out his hand. "I'm a desert guide for these and most other parts. Though its more of a hobby then anything else!"

The motion made it fairly obvious he only had one arm, even if the cloak hide the tell tale sign. "Though I can't help but think we may be out here on the same job, Can't think of another reason to be out here in all honesty. Unless you happen to be a bandit..." Another laugh fallowed those words. "Though I highly doubt that~ You don't look the type!" Withdrawing his hand and glancing out over the desert he let out a low sigh. "Though you Never know I suppose! You might be a bandit king~" He turned to face him, winking as he did so. His own brown eyes locking with those of the other man.

346 Words




Xylo couldn't help but notice the odd stature the man before him displayed, however he'd continue his golden gaze allowing to fixate on the gentleman. With each word this 'Ptolomy' spoke Xylo couldn't help but feel warmth with each syllable spoken which was comforting, and with the tone of voice and specific nature of what each word meant, Xylo knew the bloke was from his own home town, Heliohapt. Listening to each word the man spoke, Xylo would place either hands in the wide slits at either side of his pants allowing his hands to comfortably sit within their silk domains.

"Oh? A desert guide?"

His body would slowly relax as he had no reason for this man to be a threat, but still he would make sure to keep a watchful eye over the mans actions. A low sigh of relief would leave the princes lips as continued to nod in response to the mans words. A hand would unveil itself from Ptolomys cloak, which wouldn't suprise the young prince, and by doing so, Xylo would to extend his arm in an exchange of pleasantries.

"Haha, I'm no bandit. The name's Xylo, and you aren't by chance in search of these so called ruins by order of the pharoah?"

An idle brow would raise as his would hopefully ungrip from the other mans and allow his body to turn to face the sun. Both hands would raise behind his head as an act of cushioning and comfort whilst pulling back both elbows allowing a stretching motion to execute.

"Whether the old man knows these ruins are real or not, i have no clue. However the sooner we find them, the quicker we can go home and talk about it."

Golden hued lenses would flick back at Ptolomy allowing the princes body to angle with his shoulder pointing at Ptolomy.

"What do you say? You look like you know these deserts better than me, so shall we partner up? I'm kinda, uh. Lost."

A bead of sweat would slide from his forehead, as he simply never asked anyone anything. Being of nobility didn't mean he could be lazy, it simply meant his duty was on a larger scale, or so he felt.

Wordcount: 401 (955/1000)

Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

"Well I wouldn't lie to ya now would I? Though like I said, being a guide is more of a hobby then anything else... My day job is that of an entertainer." A chuckle escaped him as he finished speaking, after all who was he to speak of day jobs or jobs in general? He hadn't truly worked a day in his life. After all if you enjoyed what you did, twas more of a privilege then anything else.

Ptolemy let out a laugh, even if the other man... This Xylo's words seemed a tad odd to him. For one, he didn't know a single soul who would refer to the Pharaoh as an "Old man", but whats more he didn't know a person who would speak of him in such a familiar fashion. With a mental shrug, Ptolemy let it pass, wasn't like it offended him after all. "Hit that neatly on the nose you did! Though I suppose I made no secret of it! Anyways its nice to meet you Xylo."

"And trust me when I say, you're not the first one to lose their way out here, after all its called the desert of lost souls for a reason." His own chuckle was punctuated by an odd hissing sound. "As to going on together? Well I could't vary well leave you to wander on your own now could I? Plus... I'd rather have someone close by in case something happens. The desert can be a pretty harsh and unforgiving mistress. One that I'd rather not piss off..." Ptolemy turned to look back the way he came before glancing at Xylo then off in the opposite direction. "Now the question is where do we go? These ruins could well be anywhere. Plus, given the nature of the desert... They may well be buried and I don't know about you, but I'd rather not have to dig through this mess."




"Oh? An entertainer? How peculiar. Perhaps a demonstration should be necessary when we return home."

A wide grin would widen across the princes face whilst his right hand would raise to the back of his head allowing the long white strands to part with each weaving finger. Xylo couldn't help but feel Ptolomy's life was far more unusual to his own, as well as Xylo couldn't help but feel the man was hiding something. Whether he was or not, he would continue to converse as if accusations weren't a thought. Keeping to himself after each word left Ptolomy's lips, Xylo would nod patiently gathering the intel needed to find the ruins.

"Hmm, well you may know the desert better than I, but I still may be of use. We stand upon the largest sand dune for a few miles, and it's the only unusual abnormality in the desert I've seen."

Xylo would continue his golden gaze to glare forward at Ptolomy before him. He would then extend an arm to the side, allowing his arm to point down the tall dune they stood upon.

"Down there is directly east from where we stand, if i remember correctly, the old traditions used to have their entrances always facing the sunrise in a ritual to praise the sun god 'Ra' and somewhat 'allow his embodied soul' to grace these lands. So if this dune is so tall as to be some sort of ancient tower, than it's entrance would be that side of the tower itself..... That is, if my analysis is correct."

An idle hand would scratch the bottom of his own chin as he thought more about the situation at hand. Golden hued lenses would flicker back and forth across the desert, but he couldn't help but feel his idea was far fetched. Hopefully Ptolomy had a better idea.

Wordcount: 330 (1285/1000)

Ptolemy Essa

Ptolemy Essa

" If this happens to be a tower at all, but..." Ptolemy took a deep breath, cracked his neck before clenching and un-clenching his fist. " Its as good a place to start as any other! Hell, if your right we may make it home in time for dinner!" With those words started down the sand dune, his feet almost seeming to slip in slide out from under him yet he remained in perfect balance. As he descended, his eyes locked on the sliding  ground before him, a breeze came shifting the sand blowing it about.

Ptolemy's arm shot up, protecting his eyes from the sudden gust, the sand and dust bouncing harmlessly off the thick fabric of his clothes... Though it didn't do much to help cushion his fall. He tumbled, end over end landing rather hard at the bottom of the dune. "Gah! " His voice was yet again punctuated by a hiss, this one less friendly then before... In fact if one could attribute an emotion to it, that emotion would be anger and annoyance.

Of course Ptolemy wasn't the only thing to come tumbling down the dune side, along with him came the sand... All the sand he had rolled through, dislodged and up set. It kept raining, for seconds it seemed, half burying both the man and his snake. But as the dust settled, Ptolemy couldn't help but laugh."Well, it seems my luck has held after all!" There before hi, uncovered by the sand was part of a doorway, in a style he had not seen before.  "Get on down here! I think I may have found part of what we are looking for!" Of course finding it was only part of the battle, and the easier part at that. One never knew what hid in the sands." What are the odds eh?"

306- 1293/1000



Atop the large sand dune would stand the prince himself, allowing his golden hued lenses to watch his fellow 'accomplice' tumble downward. With each motion the man made, an array of light brown sand would uplift and cloud the air. Inhaling the sands that would abruptly shake from their homes, would force Xylo to cough hesitantly. A sweeping gust would pull the 'busy coughing' Xylo downward too, allowing his body to fall forward upon the worryingly steep dune, only to crash behind Ptolomy unveiling two doors. Sand would continue to fall from their missteps and thus allow tiny grains to dwell within his silk garments.

Looking up at Ptolomy, he would notice the abnormal stature he hadn't seen before, it was odd as during a fall, a man would stretch out their limbs in an attempt to cease falling, however the man did no such thing. An idle hand would swipe the dust of his own Garments as Xylo began to stand whilst keeping his golden gaze appointed to Ptolomy.

"Your luck baffles me."

Xylo would let out a short sigh before regaining his posture and standing straight whilst dusting the loose grains of sand atop his lower garments. An idle brow would raise as his fellow explorer laughed at the situation, but Xylo would be lost in the wonder before him.

"It look's like we've hit the jackpot, look at the architecture!"

The golden eyed prince would walk forward onto the doors whilst raising an arm to slide across the stone doors of the ruins. Feint pictures of eqytpian rituals would be inscribed across the stone frame, whilst a golden eye would etch at it's center. Slowly closing his hand except a lone pointer, his finger would press against the iris of the golden eye in the door. Sounds would bellow around the prince as gears began to move from beneath them, whilst the heavy stone doors would slide open. A tear of sweat would slide from his forehead as he gaze backward upon Ptolomy.

"Well, their doors are simply like our own at the golden palace. The golden palace is the oldest building in Heliohapt, so it doesn't suprise me that we're seeing similiarities, however, i think it's time we check this place out, right?"

A grin would widen across the princes face as he gaze backward at Ptolomy whilst raising an idle arm forward to Ptolomy to help him up. What wonders that where in store, the two would have no idea, however sounds would echo across darkness in their sight. What had they awakened?

Wordcount: 1711/1000

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