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New Dog; Old Tricks [ Solo / Training ]

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Diana Corvus

Diana Corvus

xxxxxx It had been a few days spent in the city. Diana had plenty of time to visit her family and spend some of her time with them. Her brother had gotten a lot taller since she last saw him and her sister looked older than she had when she last saw her. It was due time she visited her aunt for some training since she felt that she needed to learn something new to help her out in future conflicts. Diana was getting stronger by each encounter and she didn't want to slack in her training. Her aunt, Minerva, was the best teacher she had and thankfully she was in the area. Minerva usually traveled around doing shows and supplying strong beasts for hunting or other tasks. Diana decided to pay her a visit that day to see if she had anything new to teach her.

xxxxxx She finally arrived at a small encampment just outside of the city where Minerva was supposed to be. It was a gathering spot for hunters who were preparing to go out and hunt. It wasn't surprising that she'd be in a place like this at this time of year. There was a slight breeze today that alleviated some of the heat beaming down on her. Diana made her way through the encampment and looked to see if Minerva was anywhere to be found. Eventually, she found the tent that she had been occupying by spotting her travel companion. It was a female lunar canine that was absolutely massive and beautifully majestic in every way. Diana always found herself in awe every time she saw the beast.

xxxxxx As Diana began to approach the tent to see if her aunt was inside the flaps swung open and she was greeted by Minerva herself. Diana was startled by the surprise and her heart fluttered a bit. She took a deep breath and stepped back a few steps. "Hey!" Minerva took her hands and smiled at her, pulling her into a quick tight embrace. Diana reluctantly hugged her back; still a bit awkward about the situation. "I've been meaning to write to you actually," she started, placing her hand on her chin, "Domitia just had a few pups and I'll give you one if you'd have it."

xxxxxx Diana was flattered by the offer but was expecting that this wouldn't be just a gift, she'd have to work for it somehow. "Come," continued Minerva, motioning for Diana to follow her into the tent. There were a few pups inside, big enough to be full grown dogs. "They need to be trained," she said abruptly, "I will tell you now that this is not an easy task." Diana nodded and watched them play with each other. One out of the four came to her and started sniffing her before licking her hand. She knelt down and began to pet it. The dog gently licked her face and then laid down, resting it's head on her lap.

xxxxxx "Seems that one has already imprinted on you. He's a lot like you," she chuckled, "Though on the bad side he's extremely stubborn." Minerva put her hand on her hip and pushed some of her hair out of her face. Diana stared at the dog for a while, petting him and wondering how hard it could possibly be knowing that with her aunt nothing was the least bit easy. "I'll do it," said Diana, looking back up at Minerva. "Good answer," she replied, smirking at her, "Just know that these dogs can't use something as simple as whistles like your bird. They require vocalization but lucky for you I've got some simple commands to start out with."

xxxxxx It wasn't very appealing to Diana to have to yell out commands but if these pups could turn out to be anything like Domitia it would be worth it. "Follow me. We'll start training now," said Minerva, grabbing a few things before heading out the tent. Diana scrambled up and jogged after her with her new dog in tow. "Do you know what you want to name him?" she asked, looking back at her. Diana looked at the pup briefly and tried to think of a fitting name for him. She shook her head, "No." Minerva chuckled and after a few moments of walking stopped. They were in a wide dirt field, perfect for training. There were various large prey animals in the distance but they surprisingly didn't seem to mind that they were there.

xxxxxx "We won't get this down in just one day seeing how stubborn he is but do be careful, Diana. As you know they can and will spit at you and it will burn you." Minerva was a bit concerned about her safety and it showed on her face. Diana remembered what Domitia could do with her bite and was a bit fearful if she didn't keep her guard up. "Just because he's young doesn't mean his spit is any more potent," she added, clapping twice. "Now time to start. You'll be teaching him how to howl on command by only using the vocal command for howling; Emugio." The dog began to wander off and Domitia picked him from the nape of his neck. The pup wiggled around, snarling at his mother to put him down.

xxxxxx Diana wasn't sure how she was going to make him do that only using the command but it sure wouldn't be easy. "It is possible. Domitia herself was quite stubborn as well," as Minerva said that, Domitia huffed, "You don't want to do it when they're older, though. The sound is loud enough to break glass and will cause enemies who are unprepared a great deal of pain just like our own voices." Minerva hopped onto Domitia's back and short whistled. Domitia jumped over Diana only to turn back and look at her and bark. Diana turned her head and looked at them. "Good luck. I'll check in with you in a week to see how you're doing. Remember, the key word is Emugio."

xxxxxx She rode off back towards the camp, waving lovingly back at Diana. The pup walked over to the pack that she had left them and sniffed at it, trying to get to the treats that were enclosed. Diana noticed this and swiftly grabbed the pack. The dog tried to jump on her but she jumped back out of his reach. He was clearly displeased but she was curious to what else her aunt had left her in the pack. Rummaging through the pack she found a few bits of dried meat and some food and water for herself and the pup. Perhaps her aunt wasn't the best teacher but she had good intentions. "Come," she commanded, patting her lap. The dog had no interest in following her order so he simply laid down in the dirt, staring at her. She sighed and walked over to him, sitting in front of him.

xxxxxx "Let's try," she beckoned, picking up his head and touching her nose to his. She was certain he didn't want to harm her by the look in his eyes. She reached into the pack and broke off a small piece of dried meat, holding it in front of his nose. "Emugio," she commanded, not sure if he knew the command already but simply refused to do so. The dog made a weak attempt at it; it was more of a long whine than a howl and wagged his tail. Diana knew this was going to be a rough start but she was confident that they could get it right sooner or later.

xxxxxx After the first week of staying out there with him, she found herself at a loss. He would get closer and closer every time but he wouldn't put his heart into it. Diana noted in her books that this breed grew surprisingly fast. Even on a scarce diet they thrived and were able to grow. Minerva checked in on them and was pleased with her progress but simply just came to leave more food and water for the following week. Diana had one more week before she failed but she was determined. A day came when she finally realized what she wanted to call him. She would spend her nights sharing her thoughts with him and watching his behaviors, getting to know him better. But it was one of those nights when a name just came to her; Pluto. The pup didn't seem opposed to the name but she could probably call him anything and he wouldn't be against the fact.

xxxxxx Another week passed and they had finally gotten it down with confidence. Pluto had seemingly found more respect for Diana as each day passed but he was still quite stubborn and disobedient at times. When Minerva arrived on the last day they were to demonstrate it with ease. "Emugio," commanded Diana, anticipating his reaction to her command. Without delay he howled as loud as he could with no hesitation. She was enthusiastic and knelt down to him, petting him lovingly. "Good job," she cooed, giving him a big piece of meat as a reward. He devoured it with excitement, wagging his tail. "We aren't done just yet, Diana. I have about four more things for you to learn." Minerva poked her in the forehead and smiled slyly.

Word Count ( 1558 / 500 )

Ability Trained:

Diana Corvus

Diana Corvus

xxxxxx "Now it's time to teach him how to spit on command." Minerva looked at her and stuck her tongue out. Diana was slightly worried about this one yet couldn't help but be a bit confused. "How?" she questioned. This pup couldn't know all these commands, could he? Minerva pointed at Domitia and she looked back, "Sputo, Domitia!" she commanded. Domitia faced away from the group and it took a second but she opened her large maw; hurling up a sack of saliva a few feet away. It exploded onto the ground and sizzled on the ground. The smell was repulsive enough to make Diana feel sick as she covered her nose with her hand and coughed. "Gross, huh?" laughed Minerva, crossing her arms. "Time for you to make little Pluto do the same. He has seen his mother do it and will associate the word with the action. It might be rough for him so give him time. Two weeks should be enough!"

xxxxxx With that, Minerva had said her goodbyes and left them alone again. Pluto tried to do it on his own but ended up just drooling a small pile of spit on the floor. It didn't smell as foul as his mothers but it was still quite smelly. Diana scratched her head and exhaled. "Sputo..?" she questionably commanded. Pluto's ears went back and he stepped back, trying again for Diana. It resulted in the same failure as before and he whimpered, not able to do it. "You'll get it down," she said, kneeling down to pet him, reassuring him. A new found confidence glimmered in his eyes and he ran a few paces away, sniffing around at the ground. The vile smell was building up in the area and it was quite sickening. Diana went over to a nearby tree and dry heaved behind it, sick to her stomach. She hoped she'd get used to it soon.

xxxxxx While Diana was busy getting sick behind the tree, Pluto kept trying desperately and kept failing. Soon enough he gave up walked over to Diana to see if she was alright. She had vomited a few times but she definitely felt better and a lot more tolerant against the stench. "I'm okay," she assured him, patting him on the head. He seemed satisfied with that answer and laid down next to the tree to sleep. She reached into the bag of supplies and drank some of the water to rehydrate herself, sitting down next to Pluto. The first day wasn't entirely productive and they didn't exactly succeed but they figured to give it some time. Eventually, Diana fell asleep out of exhaustion from being ill. They woke up later that night and tried again but still didn't make much progress. Diana commanded Pluto to stop since it was making his throat quite sore.

xxxxxx After the first week, Pluto was still unable to do it. Minerva thought it would be best to have Domitia spend some time with him in order to teach him better. As they spent the day in the plains, Diana took a day to rest and recuperate from living outside of civilization for so long. She did it often yet every time it took so much out of her. It gave her time to catch up with Minerva and spend some quality time with her father's side of the family. The next day they regrouped. Pluto still hadn't gotten it completely down but he was able to form his saliva into glops yet not able to project it from his mouth. The following week was a long one and Domitia came on her own will every now and then to try and teach her pup. This training session was easier than the last and Diana was grateful that she had a helping hand.

xxxxxx After their time was up, it was time for Pluto to show his skills. Diana wasn't sure if his progress would be good enough but they might as well try. She tried not to feel nervous in order to make Pluto feel more at ease. "Pluto," she started, "Sputo." Pluto barked at her once like he was telling her he could do it by himself. He walked a few paces away and projected a ball of spit from his mouth a few feet away. While it wasn't perfect, it was good enough for Minerva to be pleased. "Good job, Pluto." Minerva rewarded him with a few soft treats. After he ate them, he walked away, prideful in his abilities. He made his way over to Diana and sat next to her. She looked over and noticed how big he had gotten already. It seemed every week they spent together he'd grow more and more.

Word Count ( 789 / 500 )

Ability Trained:

Diana Corvus

Diana Corvus

xxxxxx Diana was mentally exhausted with the training so far. She just wanted to sleep in a bed for once and get out of this place. Minerva noticed this in her and found it slightly amusing to see her beloved niece so grumpy. She leaned down and pinched her cheeks. Diana simply glared at her and pouted, pulling her hands away. "Aw, don't be like that! It's not that bad is it?" Minerva teased, ruffling Diana's hair, messing it up. Diana fixed her hair back to the way it was and shook her head. Pluto was sitting by Domitia, basking in the nourishing sunlight. "The next training won't really require much from you. We'll simply have him spar with Domitia and you need to try to help him defend himself." Domitia's ears perked up and she nudged Pluto to get up, walking over towards the two with him in tow.

xxxxxx They met Domitia half way and Minerva gave her a quick scratch behind the ear. "This should be easy. Domitia, demonstrate. Praetego," she commanded. The hulking dog barked at Pluto for him to pay attention and seemingly tried to provoke him. Pluto lunged at her but his mother simply batted him away with ease making the pup jump back and wince. Diana laughed a little bit at the sight of her dog not acting so mighty. The pup made a short bark at her. Everytime Pluto went for her she simply blocked his attack, hurting him a bit in the process. Diana wasn't sure how long the training would last but it was making her nervous. Minerva looked a bit confused as to why Diana wasn't doing anything so she placed her hand on her shoulder.

xxxxxx "This is still your training, you know," she hinted, motioning her hand as if it was a puppet talking. Diana finally got the hint and blushed in embarrassment. "S-sorry," she apologized, shaking her head a bit to get ahold of herself. "Pluto!" she called out to him, he barked in response, "Praetego!" It took Pluto a bit of time to fully understand what the command meant and he looked to Diana for guidance who was making a determined face and motioning him with her body language to defend. She didn't have to say much for him to understand, they had been on the same level of understanding for a while now. He backed away from his mother a few paces and stiffened up, focusing on her movements.

xxxxxx Domitia almost seemed proud of her pup as she went to attack him and he swiftly tried to push her away, finding openings to strike back as she did to him. Diana was happy that he was such a quick learner, clapping at his success. Minerva thought this was adorable and messed Diana's hair again. "We'll do this again every few days to make sure he is a lot more reactive," said Minerva, whistling Domitia to back off. The training was over for the day but surely it would be a long week ahead of them. This was the shortest training so far but it deemed effective for the amount of time it took. Diana took a week to recuperate before the next bout of training her aunt would put them through.

Word Count ( 540 / 500 )

Ability Trained:

Diana Corvus

Diana Corvus

xxxxxx A week had passed since their last training session. Diana and company were allowed to spend some down time in the camp. She had overheard people talking about a hunt that was going to start in a few days and observed the people preparing for it. It wasn't a sport she was particularly interested in but most of the haul would be going towards feeding the people and it might be fun to contest with her aunt for once. Pluto seemed to be aware what was going on and was growing more anxious as time passed. His siblings and parents were anticipating the day as well, further fueling his attitude. Diana wasn't particularly happy with how nippy he was getting lately but deep down she was excited as well.

xxxxxx They day finally came for the hunt to begin. It seemed quite a bit of travelers came from across the lands to participate as well. Diana wasn't surprised since the game around Riem was quite fun to take down and there was an abundance of them. Minerva took the time to fill her backpack with supplies for the trip along with a ring wrapped in a soft cloth. There was a note neatly folded inside that stated:

'Only use this when you need a place to stay once in a while. Be careful, it takes a lot of life energy to keep up which us Fanalis don't have a lot of.

Auntie Minerva

xxxxxx Diana blushed at her thoughtful message and placed the ring on her finger. It sort of tingled as she slipped it onto her fingers. She wasn't sure what her aunt meant by life energy but she was confident she'd figure it out one day. After gathering all she needed, she motioned for Pluto to follow her. "Heel," she said to him, patting him on the head when he finally got to her. A thought crossed her mind when she exited the tent and looked towards the skies. She wondered what Bellona was up to and if she was alright. Diana shook her head and smiled softly, assuring herself that her dear friend was alright. The camp seemed somewhat empty. She was late. In a hurry, she jumped on Pluto's back and held onto his fur. "Hurry," she whispered in his ear. He huffed and made his way to Domitia and Minerva.

xxxxxx Minerva wasn't particularly happy with the tardiness of her niece but decided to let it pass. "Inruo," she said, Domitia following the command and charging into the herd of beasts, knocking them away with brute force. Diana got the hint and made sure she was secure on Pluto. "Pluto," she called, gripping the fur on the back of his neck. The pup reared himself up, awaiting the command from his master. "Inruo." Pluto lunged forward into the group of animals, crashing into them like his mother was. Diana noticed that by doing this it allowed some of the hunters to take advantage of the downed animals, putting them out of their misery. Part of this made her a bit upset but it was simply the circle of life. There was a surplus of prey animals and many of her people to feed.

xxxxxx It was a long day of hunting but before the sun went down they decided to call it a day. The population of the animals was finally in a more controlled state and it was time to move camp elsewhere. They spent that night in the camp before packing it up to take to another area. Before the move, they made sure to distribute the meat and hide throughout the city's poorer area. Diana made sure to sneak a bit out to give to her family back at home. Her mother looked more than happy to see her daughter again but quickly got upset as Diana looked a lot like her father. His death had still shaken up the household and her mother did not want to see the same happen to her daughter.

Word Count ( 670 / 500 )

Ability Trained:

Diana Corvus

Diana Corvus

xxxxxx "We're going to hunt a bigger beast this time," stated Minerva, riding next to Diana, looking up into the skies. Her eyes twinkled with a passion Diana hadn't seen before. She almost seemed tranquil in this moment. They rode into the dusty plains alongside the other hunters that accompanied them. Though she wasn't directly told she knew what their purpose was from the last hunt. To subdue their prey in order for the others to take it down with their attacks. It wouldn't take long since there were other Fanalis like themselves there. Just the brute force of their kicks would be enough to fell any beast. The dogs were getting riled up, snarling in excitement as they led them to the gargantuan beast.

xxxxxx It finally started coming into view as they approached a small water hole. As the smaller animals saw us coming, they fled with speed. This animal didn't seem quite as fazed as they were. Minerva stopped them on the hill and began giving orders. Diana quickly took out her book to scribble a few things down. She had never seen an animal like this before. It was ape-like, omnivorous judging by the teeth. But it seemed overly large and mutant for what it was. 'Is this thing really good to eat..?' she asked herself, curious as to why they must hunt it. The creature noticed their presence but it kept drinking the water.

xxxxxx Pluto barked and scraped his claws on the dry dirt below his paws. He got increasingly more impatient the more he stared at it. Diana was a little unsettled at his display of aggression. Even during their training he'd never shown this much ferocity. She stroked the back of his mane to try and calm him down but it only seemed to encourage this behavior. "Don't worry," assured Minerva, noticing the worried look on her face, "I bred them to be like that. They have an insatiable hunger to kill." With that said, Diana was still a bit worried but took a deep breath as she heard the whistle. She gave his backside a light kick and they were off.

xxxxxx The beast became aware of the attack and prepared to defend itself, standing up much like a bear. Diana was observing it's defensive behavior and making mental notes as they charged in. She led Pluto around the back, using Minerva's movements as a guide. They made it around the back of the beast and positioned themselves. "Capio!" shouted Minerva. Diana and Pluto watched them as Domitia latched her acidic maw onto the beasts heel making it scream in pain as it burned through it's flesh. Diana hesitated for a moment before giving the command herself. "Capio, Pluto," she said with a raised voice. Pluto took no time in executing the command, latching onto the beast. The beast struggled but the dogs seemingly had well enough reflexes to maneuver around it.

xxxxxx It eventually fell to the ground and with enough effort, everyone was able to kill it. Pluto panted, exhausted from the battle. He was a little beat up and so was Diana. She hopped off of him and rewarded him with a few treats and some water in which he gladly accepted. Minerva flashed her a quick smile and a thumbs up for a job well done. When they got back to the camp, everyone said their goodbyes and left for their homes with their prizes from the hunt. Diana spent the night in a comfortable bed inside an inn she was familiar with. Pluto slept outside the inn being too large to go inside. He had gotten significantly bigger since she got him as he was almost an adult now. The new morning was to bring a new day and new adventures for Diana and her growing family.

Word Count ( 636 / 500 )

Ability Trained:

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