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Anima augmentis Ones[Spec][Training]

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Spiritos Aerolos

Spiritos Aerolos

-----------------------------------------Day One-------------------------------------------------Aengar had studied magic for a good amount of time now. But he had decided today that he would try to obtain an even greater understanding of magic. He had been thinking about training all night. He woke up in the morning reassuring himself that today he would train a little more. Aengar but on his clothing his shirt and his pants and went downstairs to order some food he tapped the bar, calling the barmaid to him and he asked “I would like to have the salt pork with spiced bread and some water” this is what Aengar would normally get in the morning and same as it has always been Aengar had saw Lana the dreaded lover he had let into his heart the thing he never should've done. Aengar payed for his for his food and left the pub.

Aengar set to the streets of Reim to become stronger and in his mind he thought “Maybe if I become stronger Lana might take me back” but Aengar never really thought that she left him but more so he left her. Aengar walked the streets and saw the rukh of the running children. Aengar had decided to head towards the library there he would look for a book about another type of magic he wanted to explore. Aengar knew very little of combination magic but his master had told him of it. Aengar had arrived at the library and he began looking through the sections scanning for the book he had been searching for a certain book it was called “A Pure Magic” it had entailed the exploration of Zachoro an Imuchakk magician that had explored strength magic. Aengar eventually found the book it was in a section that to him it didn't belong in.

Aengar found a chair that would be able to holster his body and he sat down and read “Strength Magic it is different it shows no physical form, it is the strangest of magics that is why as a young child I found it so amazing it was something that I found needed to be mastered, I is like a warrior it shows no signs of power but hides the greatest resource of it. But if one decides to pick up strength magic later one as a magician it requires something unique I would say and something that no man dares to tackle but that is from my own experience of teaching. The magic brings the greatest of treasures to those who can understand it and know how to use it. The greatest thing to understand about strength magic is the following;Strength Magic is a type of Magic where the magician orders Rukh to transform their power into pure force. Strength Magic is hard to deal with as some of the techniques are slightly transparent and borderline "invisible".

Magicians can see it clearly while those specializing outside of Intelligence only see it as blurs and/or distortions in the air. Strength magic uses spatial influence to twist things, smash them, make them float or fire projectiles of pure force. Strength Magic radiates black light. It is the seventh type of magic; Magicians who have an affinity to the seventh type are known as Black Magicians. But a light magician is in someway connected to strength magic I never did a study to show why, maybe it's because light magic is fragile and strength magic solidifies the magic.” Aengar closed the book feeling satisfied with all the reading that he had completed. Aengar got up and went to the desk requesting to buy the book saying “I would like to purchase the book” the librarian saying “Sure, that will be 15 huang” Aengar handed the woman the huang and left through the library. Aengar had thought as he walked to his regular training spot “I wonder what would happen if I used strength magic, would I be able to advance my magic” Aengar arrived at his normal training spot. Aengar hold his staff close to his chest. Aengar tried his hand at a strength spell he tried to wrap his head around the concept of strength magic in itself.

The concept of strength magic was foreign to Aengar, but Aengar had to continue. He pulled out his staff and casted a rudimentary strength spell called Push the spell was capable of pushing any object back. Aengar still had a rudimentary understanding of the rather complex magic but he felt better knowing that he could use it to some degree. But the day was still young and Aengar wanted to see if he had become stronger so he asked Kandir to meet him at their normal training spot and Kandir arrived and he said “Well Aengar you've called me out here what do you need?” “I need you to fire a spell at me” Aengar said Kandir rose his staff and casted Cerebus a large fire dog was summoned and it went for Aengar, his Borg flared up defending him. Aengar was satisfied with what he had completed today.

-----------------------------------------Day Two-------------------------------------------------

Aengar went back to the inn where he had been staying but he knew he would have to continue with the training tommorow. As Aengar slept he dreamed of rukh and how he could better connect with them. Aengar got up and he realised that “Rukh is everywhere it's within people, it makes up the world” but Aengar questioned whether dark rukh was even rukh it's mutated beyond compare his only question was if he would be able to push himself farther. Kandir met him at the inn in the bar area and they began to discuss and Kandir said “Aengar I've watched you grow stronger and advance or magic but all I want you to know is rukh is like order for a magician it's like the blood within our veins we live our lives souly through it and without it we feel empty. So as you grow stronger all I want you to know is that rukh will be your guide forever and I won't always be their to guide you. If you let rukh in mentally and allow for it to embody or every move you will step to even greater heights of magic beyond me” Aengar was surprised by the words that Kandir was saying. Aengar was understanding what Kandir was saying but it kind of hit him hard. Aengar needed to rest so he said “Thank you for telling me” and he headed upstairs

--------------------------------------Day Three-------------------------------------------------
Aengar woke up the previous day had been weary. Aengar had decided that he would train more. He had decided that he would train his body more. He had been eating more often and his body had grown week. Kandir told him that a week body cannot hold the proper amount of magoi. In-order to cast a large amount of spells. Aengar went to his normal training spot a few miles outside of Reim. Aengar ran for a few miles and then proceeded to do push ups. Aengar had hoped that all the body training he had done would be enough to help with the spell training he would be doing tomorrow. That night Aengar went home and rested.
----------------------------------------Day Four-------------------------------------------------
Aengar had done a large amount of training these past four days and today he would battle against Kandir. To test his new found strength. Aengar and Kandir were to meet at the regular training spot. Aengar arrived earlier, waiting for Kandir to arrive. Kandir and Aengar looked at each other wanting to test there power. Aengar imeadiatly went after Kandir castin Angel Spear Kandir's borg flared up. Being resilient against the attack. Kandir now having his turn casted Cerebus the magician was strong. After hours of fighting they decided that it was enough. Aengar was finally satisfied with his training.
Word Count:1046

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