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Assassination Lagi/ Solo Training

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There were plenty of people to kill to ensure Lagi’s new rule as king.  With this newfound power, there will always be people that would be left to defy him. Lagi didn’t really relish the idea of having opposition, so he decided to put pressure on one of the dukes of Reim. A few of the dukes of Reim was trying to push for kingship and lagi was nowhere near having his official army. This could cause problems in the near future if this man was affecting the will of the people; he needed to change that somehow. “The best thing that I could do is kill this man, but how do I get to him?” This was one of the hardest parts of planning assassinations, getting close to the duke.  Lagi wanted to be a little bit discreet as well, he wouldn’t like it for one of the guards to identify him and blacklist him in Reim for killing a royal individual. That means that no matter how clean that Lagi was expecting the job to be, everyone had to die. “….” This is the first time that Lagi planned such a mass murder on his own; he usually had his own beliefs that everyone had a use in the universe. However, he couldn’t quite see the use of this arrogant duke whose Rukh is as black as Lagi’s. No one would miss this fool when he kicks the bucket, but it doesn’t mean that lagi has to act foolishly.

After much thought, there was finally a chance to get this man. Duke Marth was holding a banquet and wanted the best cooks from Reim to cook for him. This would work well for lagi, since he was somewhat famous in Reim when it came to his beef dumplings. Lagi was somewhat out of practice, but he still haven’t lost his touch around the kitchen. A long time ago, this was his only way of making a living, so of course he was quite skilled.  The next morning, Lagi set up his stand with Zygus like he used to do. He kept Zygus as the cart puller and the dumpling fetcher as always, but he kept Orie’s presence hidden. She never really liked to come out unless Lagi asks her to anyway, and the nutrients that she gets from Lagi with his everyday activities were more than enough for her. With his subpar cooking skills, Lagi made   the duke and his guards sample the dumplings. It was lucky for Lagi that the Duke liked it and invited him to cook for him.  The party was in one week though, this meant that Lagi had one week to prepare for the attempted assault.  Since the duke has ordered that lagi don’t bring any of his pets at the party, Lagi would be high in suspicion if Zygus was to not be left outside. Lagi was not to bring any weapons inside of the party neither, so his bow was not of the question as well.

However, Lagi was far from powerless. He had Orie, and he also had his brand new metal vessel that was designed as a bracer when it isn’t activated. It was perfect for combat, but Lagi had to weaponize his abilities first. ”I guess it’s time for some training.” This would be the first time that Lagi has trained with the magic on his metal vessel. He started by simply spreading a stream of vapor all around himself to cover his movements and actions. This would be a good way to pick off each guard with his hidden blade as well as track their movements from within the steam. “Lets get started with this then..” Lagi spend the first three days practicing this shroud of steam for ten hours straight.  He practiced on the aggressive wild animals that lived around his hut in the nearby forest. The wave surrounds the appropriate coverage area  and follows Lagi as an extension of his body as long as the upkeep is paid. This removes visibility for opponents  within the range of the technique due to the thickness of the steam and constant sizzling sound that echos from within the steam fog lowers hearing. It is also treated as a sensory network, allowing lagi to detect movement from within the steam fog and give lagi  a greater reaction time towards things that happens in the steam fog.

None of those animals could of gotten the jump on him or even find him from within the thick steam for that matter. Though, he was aware of the range soon after, it only went up to 15 meters. That was ok though, the skill was good enough.  On the first day of training, he started using  this technique when the sun was out and shining bright. On the second day, the technique was used at night. Having much practice on different times of the day could carry different results, and Lagi would have to adjust accordingly  as well. However,  that wasn’t enough for him, Lagi needed something related to a finishing move. For example, the tornado that Zygus can make, that’s definitely something that can count as a finishing move for him. “ But I need something as well, and I only have four days to train.  What could it be, what am I missing?”

It shouldn't be too trivial for Lagi to figure out, Lagi had plenty of options to consider or the ability. He continued to practice using the steam fog for a little bit more, Lagi wanted to make sure that he perfected the move and that he didn’t have a lot of problems with it. Even though it was only three days, it was the ten hours of the day that really reflected on the amount of effort that Lagi put in for his technique to be as good as it can possibly be. He didn’t want any mistakes or any accidents when there comes a time to use it.

1 B rank 1,000/1000

Last edited by Lagi El Nagi on 19/07/14, 05:27 pm; edited 1 time in total



There was word from the guards that there was an additional three more days added on top of the original days that was needed to plan the event. This meant that Lagi had more time to train, so he decided to practice a much lesser move instead. Going a little backwards from the finishing move, Lagi wanted to see if he can even weaponize the steam in the first place. If he can use the steam magic for the offensive attack the finishing move that he has been searching for should come naturally to him. “Let’s start with something simple, if I can simply fire the steam as an attack at someone, how much damage could I cause? Maybe it could do even more damage if I was to compress the ability?” Lagi thought out loud as he attempted to fire the steam at a nearby tree. He did it repeatedly until he sat down and thought about what he was trying to accomplish. “Not like this, it must be even stronger than this, let’s try it again!” Using steam magic, lagi fires off a pressurized blast of steam at 15 m/s. It can be fired at any point from lagi's body and reaches as far as 20 meters. The damage capabilities include second degree burns, potentially causing cuts and a fracture as well. The tree broke down immediately, as well as the other tree that resided right behind it. “Alright, let’s keep up the pace. “ Lagi continued to motivate himself as he did the usual training of repeatedly firing those pressurized blast of steam for ten hours straight. He did this for the next three days, which counted as the extra days that the Duke gave the catering people more time to prepare their wares.

It wasn’t wares that Lagi was preparing; his arrival was to be followed by a sea of death from the moment that the greedy and foolish duke invited him. He was only expecting this to be easy due to the fact that Lagi had an unpredictable aura to him, nobody knew that he was only using this position to assassinate the duke. “Heh….” What was this strange desire of battle and conquest? If that wasn’t the source of the addiction, it’s the way that the people would revere lagi afterwards. He would be seen as a man who would be respected and feared, a standard that all of the members of the El Nagi clan already possess. Maybe he was a late bloomer? “Ok!” Lagi would say as he shot out another compressed blast of steam. He was hard at work, and only his thoughts and his pets were the things that kept him company. Even more so, these were the things in his life that continued to keep him sane. There was no chance for Lagi to be mad with power as long as he had a goal, and as long as there was someone stronger than him. As long as there was a gauge that Lagi can measure up to, he was still in control.

C rank ability 500/500

Last edited by Lagi El Nagi on 19/07/14, 06:24 pm; edited 1 time in total



Lagi thought hard, the answer soon came to him. The forms can be shaped at will,  he just needed to design something menacing and majestic. Something like a dragon would do the trick, adding a bit of intimidation with his attacks. With that, Lagi managed to come up with the Dragon bullet. The best part about this move was that he could fire it from any point of his body, it made for a truly unpredictable offensive assault.  Lagi took it upon himself to practice this technique for twelve hours a day this time. He only had four days left and needed to use the last day for the preparations. “I’m going to master this thing, even if it kills me!”

Lagi used the last day to get a full nights rest, he didn’t want to be exhausted for the day. On top of that,   he needed to prepare his wares so he would look as realistic as possible and not as an assassin. He already had a background history in Reim so he would be free of suspicion if anything came up. The only people that knew of his newfound power and quest for kingship were  Basil and the Nagi orai, and they haven’t mentioned anything to his father Roark about it from the time he defeated Kohai in battle and gained their loyalty. This was kept as a secret and for good reason too.  The stage for revealing himself as a black king should be more spectacular, and it should mean a lot more when he gains the trust of the people who reside in Reim.”Alright, the trap is set. Let’s go Zygus, fly me to this party. “Lagi set up the bag of supplies on Zygus’s back and hopped on zygus himself. Orie poked her blob like head out of Lagi’s shoulder with a clueless look on her face, she wondered where they were going. “Hmm…” Lagi took out one of the dumplings and plopped one into her mouth, she chewed it up with a small grin. “Puuu”  Lagi observed as it seemed that Orie liked the food. “I thought I used too much salt, but maybe it’s still pretty good. Ok Orie, get back inside. “Orie finished eating and returned inside Lagi’s body.

They continued to fly their way over to their party, being met by guards once they arrived. “El Nagi? Right this way..” The guards unloaded the sack and checked it for any dangerous materials; they also told Lagi to leave Zygus outside. “Fine… Zygus, stay here…” Zyus would make a small repeated cawing sound as if he was arguing with  Lagi but stopped once Lagi gave him a very stern look.  Lagi then left Zygus with his food bag and walked inside. It was already at a full sart, there were plenty of dancers and guards everywhere, as well as other rich guests. These kind of people always disgusted Lagi the most, they waste all of their time by indulging themselves with worldly pleasure when they should be focused on securing their rule or making their own ideal world. If this is what the tax money of all of the citizens of Reim support, then this man clearly has to die. Lagi wasted no time, he went to his station and started cooking.  For the past twenty minutes, people came and had a taste of his beef dumplings. After a while , Lagi spilled over two big bags of flower to create something of a smokescreen as he whispers the chant for Balek. “Rebel, Balek “The weapon of Balek is a gauntlet bracer on the right hand. The blade itself is a foot long and 9 inches, Being able to extend from the top or bottom of the bracers with just a flick of the wrist. He continued to keep it hidden among the rapid confusion. Now was the time to strike.

A large wave of vapor steam  is dispersed from Lagi at 20 M/S and spreads at the range 15 Meters. This wave surrounds the appropriate coverage area  and follows Lagi as an extension of his body as long as the upkeep is paid. This removes visibility for opponents  within the range of the technique due to the thickness of the steam and constant sizzling sound that echos from within the steam fog lowers hearing. It is also treated as a sensory network, allowing lagi to detect movement from within the steam fog and give lagi  a greater reaction time towards things that happens in the steam fog. The steaming sound masked Lagis footsteps as he  went around the room and started shanking every single guard.   He also used Orie to create two small tentacles  on each calf muscle for increased movement. They would help him slither across the room and help him kick off at the appropriate speed as well.  This helped Lagi move to about C rank speed from within the steam as he continued killing the guards. He even killed the people that were just invited to the party.  After the last guard in the room was killed, Lagi ended the spell and saw the duke cowering in his chair in fear.  “Guards! Guards!”  More guards came out of  the  hallway and into the room. They thought it was more than one person since the amount of damage that was caused looked to be a small group of assassins . They charged bravely, but Lagi wasn’t having it.

“You are all going to die…..” Lagi would say simply as his current signature move was launched right at the army. A medium sized dragon head made of out heated vapor is fired from any point of Lagi' body. The dragon head itself is 15 meters in size, and it moves at the speed 20 m/s per second. The capabilities of this attack can inflict second degree burns. It demolished the army  as Lagi minachially laughs and fires it again in the face of the duke. It created two explosions of steam back to back, the damage it caused was unbelievably devastating. The Duke’s body was a steaming pit as lagi exited the room.  Orie grew two tentacles  with suction cups on Lagi’s shoulder blades as it reached up   and started climbing the wall for his escape. Lagi then whistled   for Zygus to fly around and hopped right on his back. This display of power might of seemed a bit unnecessary when it came to the destructive power of Lagi’s dark metal vessel, but he had to prove a point to these people that he wasn’t a man to be trifled with.  Perfect, now there are no witnesses whatsoever.  Onto phase two of my plan.  “ This was only the beginning

1 B rank 1000/1000

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