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A Child’s First Chem Set[Class Training D to B]

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[First Ten Days]
Luxkiel had received a letter from his father, and dropped it on top of his desk. Going over the contents of the box first; placing his newly made fireproof clothes, clean needles connected to syringes, and a new metal face mask similar to his fathers. Setting everything down in a neat corner the boy moved  back to his desk, and ran finger across the stem of the envelope subtly burning off the seal without burning the rest of the envelope. His control of magic was getting better as time passed in Magnostadt. This city had shown him what he lacked, his classmates have shown him fun new ways to play, and even on punishment he did not fail behind in what he could study, and retain.

Picking up one of the syringe packets. He’d eye over the needles through the casing, seeing how there was a small hole enough for something to come from it. With a puzzled look on his face, and a puckered smile  placed back down, turning his head looking over at his new white doctor's coat. No need to go into details about the new garments, but they looked too big for him currently so he placed them away for good. Finally pulling the letter from the envelope, he’d go over the contents as he sat down in his chair. The mask his father sent him in one hand, and the letter in the other he briefly looked up and down across his father’s word.

Message From Neph:

Putting the note down on his nightstand, the boy would walk over to the box once more. He would find an at home build your own chemist set, some empty vials/beakers, an ironstone pot, and different types of liquid chemicals, powders, books, and normal/poisonous herbs & materials. Now that everything has been looked over, Luxkiel would get to setting up the chemist set. Grabbing the instructional book and reading through it as he goes! After a few shitty hours, he had finally had a functioning set up and running. All the glass pieces are set in place, and all the little burner pieces laid right below them. Moving from an instructional setup book to the next book ‘How To Cook Poisons & Potions: 101 with Aseo Asehi’. Luxkiel had burst out laughing  loudly after reading the title of the book. But when he started on the first page he got interested in what was being discussed in the book.

Sitting throughout  nights he spent two days reading through the material his father had given him measuring out his powders getting them in the right increments. Lukxiel lit one of his boilers, mixing two white solutions together into the water letting it shimmer. Moving over to his windows letting sunlight break through into his room. A trail of white smoke would start to fade away from the boiler. Placing on the mask his father gave him, Lukx got to cooking for the next seven days, and seven nights testing out different recipes left to him by his father’s magician side, preparing a quantity of cocotions pouring dozens of liquids into empty vials labeling them off and setting them aside on a rack.

The boys room had such a tangy smell like something  bitter, and sour was being made behind his door. Whenever he stepped out from his room to go get more jars, or more empty books, or just to go to the bathroom people passed his room and made yucky faces, or whenever people saw him they smelt the chemicals on his cloths and started gagging but for Luxkiel he just walked around campus with his mask on. It was his downtime after all since he had recently just graduated. Finally becoming a Kodor 2 student, his classes were gonna get harder so now he really needed to get his practical knowledge down!

While cooking on his Tenth Day & Night, Lukxiel had run across a combination of toxins that melted his desk. The spill from the beakers overflowing almost took off all the wood from the left corner. The boy was growing very frustrated at his failed attempts in trying to make an explosive poison, but all he could make was an instant liquid dissolvent. Throwing his arms across his nightstand knocking a pile of books to the stone, he’d toss himself into bed and unlock the mask on his face. Heavy sighs coming from his lips, the boy wondered how his father endured all this trial and error but he knew he must have a couple potions done to show his Father. He didn’t want to disappoint him, nor his Aunty that’s to come. With all this thought, he also wondered about going to do some in the field work and stretch his wings.

wc: 974/1.5k



[The Next Ten Days]

When the next sunrise came the young boy took his katanas, and mask heading off from his dorm. From ring to ring he moved from the academy out to the plains. He knew monsters, humans, and other magicians lived outside in the world and that it was a large part in why he needed this knowledge to become more powerful and equipped for any situation. Standing near the outer wall gates, he’d look over a job board or just look for a commission to find one of these random villages outside of the city he called home currently. Picking a slip to observe a community of residential orcs far in the outskirts of magnostadt near the mountains one would need about Ten days to complete this job.

Was there no better way to train than by going out into the field and really putting in those long hours  studying, and practicing? So many days of nothing but sweat, and fatigued? This is what he thought it was all gonna come down too, he also remembered how he felt when it came down to ending the King Aadav. With a sharp sign and a look down at his hands he felt the swamp water wrapping around him once more. The fear ,and adrenaline rushing through his sun charged blood made him just flash through those memories with his Empress, Theo and the Princess. Standing still for a moment feeling the early morning breeze run across his forehead, the uneasiness slowly subsided as he took a step with the job request in his hand. Marching down through one of the open grass fields he waited to get a good way out before unveiling his wings. A primrose of white flames erupted from his back as six wings flashed from his back. Soaring like a giant hawk the boy headed towards the Jade Dragon Mountains. He had never been to Zou, and never got told much about it besides stays outside the country.

Pulling a book of notes out from his father, he would go over the highlighted pages of how to converge into the shadows, and how a hunter should stalk their prey. From Lukxiel's understanding of his father’s notes the best way to not get noticed, but also the worst way to get notice is by a frontal approach through a disguise. He had no other equipment on hand to make a quick disguise so he flipped through more notes. Reading for the best results was the first step, his second step was arriving at the Village. The start of his reconnaissance mission was underway!  The Orc Village was about half an hour away or even further but he flew. Standing stiff suspending his flight, he’d watch as high noon struck, and trinkled pure white snow over the mountains and the orcs. For the first three days of this job he stayed high in altitude, never leaving his spot. Eyeing, and just observing the basic structure of how living in the Monstrous  Society worked. Remembering their routes in and out, and writing down when it was shift changing times, and even going to the lengths of watching a family put its young to rest.

Three days of no sleep, or food he can easily go without. He ate, and subconsciously filled himself through the absorbing sunlight, basking in the sunrise, sipping the honey dew of moonshine, and just the occasional warming of his hands in the heat of the cold air of the mountains. Starving himself of normal food allowed him to see really how far his body could or was ‘already’ adapted too since living outside of the normalcy of other beings. On the incoming fourth and fifth days from dusk till dawn the boy stalked from the ground getting in closer, really being able to hear these monsters speak, and laugh, and be human. The boy held no bonds of natural affection for them so when a feeling of blood lust  itched its way through his skin, he almost felt like a father. For the whole two days he fought against his own innate instincts to kill, leaking out a nasty little blood thirst that creeped within the monster's shadows as they patrolled while ‘Sharpening’ his mind against himself and self doubts, he lost the scouts squad in the meantime. Returning back from the forested mountains, flying high to his overlooking position gradually letting his silhouette fall above the tree lines so he could see how much time had passed for him. Upon his sixth day he would need to learn the basics of distracting, and separating the group.

The notes spoke of creating small distractions, telling to cause little changes in the environment, some even so little that you know your enemy would pick up on. Being a hunter, an assassin meant to put ur whole bringing into days of stalking without leaving your post, Lukxiel really realizing after days of getting into the mind and bodies of knowing what these Monsters of people might do. Trailing off with their patrol group, the young seraphim would summon forth a kunai made of sunseer magic, curving his wrist
stretching his finger down the stem of fire, he’d accurately throw the small knife. Lukxiel controlled his kunai, making it whistle past the trees outside the range of the patrol group of the sixth day. Clipping, and marking about seven trees the boy controlled his kunai to plummet in the middle of the orcs. Having a clear view of what their reaction to attack was, Lukxiel would shroud , and weave himself in the light of the environment camouflaging himself, hiding from behind.

Lukxiel showed himself through his control over his magic that he could really do anything! On the other hand, these Orcs would split their group of four scouts. These large, fat, and belly aching creatures grunted out, and immediately started searching the immediate area. He thought this was perfect, maybe it was too easy, but at the same time why wouldn’t he make it easy on himself if this is how the notes speak to him. If anything he needs to capture one now! With no more thinking, and side dialogue he stepped after the Orc that followed the path of the marked trees. Once at the seventh mark, the young boy snuck, and grabbed the orc from behind, choking him till unconsciousness, and setting him down gently. Unveiling his shroud of light, Lukxiel looked back and knew he would have to return after this, but his six days and nights are over for now.

Now where would he need to take this Orc ? He had no place besides his dormitory room and he obviously can’t hide a creature of this size there ! Luxkiel picked up the unconscious orc, and flew back towards Magnostadt. Just before the city, and still in the plains he would tie up the orc, and feed them at an inn till his Auntie arrived. Once she came and got him captive, the young boy would return to his dorm to his ‘first chem set’, and continue studying the arrangement of poisons.

wc: 1,191
twc: 2,165/1.5k

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