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Morihana Chain Part 1. [Solo - Chain]

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Job Name: Entering the Forest of Flowers
Job Rank: D
Job Location: Kina
Job Reward: 50XP | 3,000 Huang
Job Prerequisites: Declare loyalty to Morihana Clan
Job Overview: Upon entering Kina and hearing of the clan which surfs across the lands you find yourself interested. Traveling to the spot of the old country capital, you need to find your way through the winding cherry tree forests surrounding their clans' main building. Find your way through the maze of branches and flowers in order to arrive upon the clan.

Eight would join the last clan that would become apart of the alliance. The final crux of his plan since he didn't have the time to address the Shikizui clan. It could have been a bloodless war, but unfortunately since it was a 2v4 situation, there was enough hope for the Hinamoto clan to resist. This just meant he had to shore up his defenses and unit the clans as closely as possible so the Hinamoto clan wouldn't be able to use the same tactics as Eight did to drive a wedge between the alliances to get a foothold. The Kogata clan, normally solitary because of their relationships with the other clans was at the head of the largest alliance in recent Kinan history. He was slowly recruiting henchman for his own actions, but on top of that, he had the assistance of the others who joined the Kogata clan. Eight was with his subordinates and he was going to bypass the first task of joining the Morihana with ease. He would use a combination of flying and Diana's expert senses to find the clan headquarters with ease.

Eight unravelled his magoi-powered tapestry and rose above the forest, Diana did a gravity lift spell to rise above leading the group on the carpet above the maze of tree tops. Diana's eyesight, hearing and odor sleuthing made it easy for her to figure out the trail that had no dead ends, and lead straight to the Morihana manor. There was no question about it. They were already locked on and flying at full speed to arrive at their destination. With no struggle, they descended to their location. A team of 6 would break through the cherry forest to the main building.

The area was full of flowers and cherry blossom trees, and the beautiful surroundings made Eight question his loyalty to the Kogata for a moment, but he would simply indulge this area by writing about it as if were the scene for a screenplay. Leona and Diana would lead up the front, then the Kogata shinobi's surrounding his wings. Eight would stroll into the main building with his entourage very eagerly, and there was a variety of people there from priest-like to warrior and more traditional people who seemed closer to represent the general culture of the Morihana.

The two Kogata Shinobis would open the doors to the manor for Eight, with Leona and Diana behind him, observing carefully as his main bodyguards. The Kogata shinobis would observe the room, trying to learn more about the Morihana clan to better impersonate their members in the future should the situation come down to it. Eighty-Nine was still amazed by the Kina-style building, having finally dipped her feet in. Diana was looking very proud of herself and Leona using herself as a human shield for Eight's rear. It was finally at this time that the attendants of the Morihana manor came down to greet Eight and his guests, impressed by the record time that they had discovered the main building, especially for foreigners.

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