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Ivris's Primary Specialization Training [INT/Solo]

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It was night, and for one reason or another my tutor had decided this was the best time to practice my next step. Drawing my wand, I did as he commanded, casting Ice Shards and sending them flying into the water. They sliced through the dark surface, piercing into the depth below and disappearing from sight. Again, he commanded. And again I cast it, five times in a row until I could no longer draw on my power. Each time had been different, however. The second time I'd been instructed to send it straight up into the air until it reached the limit of my range. Then I caused them to collide in midair, the result of which ended with the destruction of both in a shower of sparkling ice. Next I'd used them to attack, shooting them towards my master at 15 m/s. He absorbed both with his borg, the attacks shattering it but being dispelled. Finally, I'd simply moved them around me in a circle, varying their paths until at last I could sustain the spell no longer. Exhausted, I sat in the sand breathing hard as the ocean waves rolled in. He walked away, simply nodding to show his approval before leaving me alone to watch the moon rise higher and higher into the night sky.




Last edited by Ace on 12/09/15, 11:12 pm; edited 4 times in total



The sun was high in the sky as I breathe in, stepping up to the edge of the water. Exhaling, I draw my wand forward, focusing my mind. My instructor watched from nearby, our time together drawing to a close. A life magician, this was the extent of his knowledge in the subject of water magic. Still, I was grateful for the service he'd done me. I'd improved in the time we'd been together, and now was the time to prove that I had. I start off by casting Water Whip, the stream of water moving around my body with my direction. I follow it by casting Ice Blade, which hovers in the air beside me. Finally, I cast Ice Spears, my training the night before having helped me get a hang of the higher-level spell. I send the whip forward to attack one of the spears, while causing the blade of ice to slice through the other. The spells collided, crashing together before falling into the water below. I was panting, softly, waiting for my tutor to say something. But he simply smiled, and I knew I'd done well. It hadn't been easy, but I was ready to progress with my training. That meant leaving Heliohapt and heading elsewhere. I didn't know where the journey I had ahead of me would lead, but I did know one thing. I was ready to do my part in making the world a place of peace and prosperity, and I'd do whatever it took to accomplish that task. Even if I had to go to the far north, or down to Kou, I was ready. I wouldn't back down or quit. My magic would improve so that I could help more and more people; this was simply the first step. Things were just beginning.


521/500 total



Last edited by Ace on 12/09/15, 11:11 pm; edited 4 times in total



The next day, after my meditation, I was surprised to see my tutor waiting for me. But it seemed he had one last test left: a duel. I wasn't sure how I'd fare, but I had no choice. I owed him this much for the diligence and patience he had with me. He let me go first, which would be something he'd regret. I cast Water Tentacle, sending it forth to immobilize his arm. In the time it took him to grab the wand with his other wand in order to case a spell, I'd already cast Ice Spears. The first spear impacted his borg, but he was able to counter the second with a blast of water. I cast Ice Blade, but he was quick and destroyed it before it made contact. I was going to have to be smart if I wanted to win. My only opportunity... of course, that was it. I moved the Water Tentacle around him, commanding it to grab his other arm. He was already moving his other arm, annoyed at my technique, but I wasn't going to let him win. I cast Ice Blade and Water Whip, sending them forth. Ice Blade shatters his borg, disappearing, but Water Whip, which I'd send a third of a meter behind the Ice Blade, makes it through and cuts into his shoulder. Even though I'd only gotten one attack on him, my tutor bowed his head in defeat. He knew that his pupil had improved, and that his work here was done.


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