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Light, Flight, and other fine things.[Open/Training]

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Arik returned from escorting the trader across the land and protecting the man from a group of troublemakers he'd affectionately dubbed the "Checkerboard Bandits". Not because they stole checkerboards, but because they looked like them. His pockets were significantly heavier from the money he'd been paid for the job, and his arm significantly more sore. He'd rested up, and the walk back had given him a lot of time to think.

In his hands, Arik held a small, blue-bound book and a pen. The inkwell was clasped tightly in place between Arik's left elbow and chest, well away from the book. He'd spent the walk back with his staff strapped across his back, thinking and writing his thoughts. The poor book had been filled nigh to the brim with ink, the pages almost completely full. Arik's mind wandered a lot, but on the subject of magic that could be a good thing. Even errant thoughts could be relevant, given time to be thought on, which is why Arik used this book to write down everything on the subject of magic he could. In particular, his thoughts had given him possibilities for not one, but three spells. One of these was the simple gravity manipulation that enabled mages to fly. It wasn't his own spell, but he thought he'd made a breakthrough that might let him utilize it without a half-hour of preparatory ritual. Two others were variations on light magic that seemed useful for self-defense, a niche he'd thought he needed filled after that fiasco with the bandits.

He scarcely noticed the gates of Magnostadt, save to conjure up a simple spell of light to serve as his identification since he wore no Academy robes. His suit earned him stares much like the robes that many students and teachers wore would earn them stares in any other city in the world. Arik walked straight to one of his favorite practice rooms and set the ink down upon a bench, reaching down to the sand beneath him and picking up a handful of the loose particles to blot the fresh ink. The sand was there in case a magician fell while practicing; while uncomfortable, it was more forgiving than stone by far.

Flipping through the book, he settled on one of his simpler theories. A spell of light, focused into a small enough point to cause a direct burn. It had little in the way of advantages over the ball form that Arik had already used, but it was always nice to know more than one way of doing things. Setting the small blue book down, Arik picked up his staff and strode to the center of the room, facing a straw-filled sack that would serve as his target.

He didn't cast his spell immediately. He rehearsed the construct in his mind over and over. To an outsider, he would've looked like he was just staring at the target dummy, but he was doing so much more than that. Light magic like the spell he was about to cast had two stages, and the second was easier than the first. First one had to create a mental construct of what the spell would fill with light, and then one conjured up light to fill the construct. That was why he used words; if he rehearsed a construct enough with the words he associated with it, it would become much easier to use the spell.

In this case, his construct was a narrow ray. The construct appeared in his mind's eye as a narrow tube of dark glass, though nobody else would see that when the spell was cast. It was just a visualization, albeit an accurate one. The spell gathered, reflected, and concentrated the light within it. Arik created the spell's construct from scratch over and over in his thoughts, muttering the words he'd decided on under his breath every time. "Thrysta Garjzla, Thrysta Garjzla, Thrysta Garjzla." It went on for a minute like this before Arik felt confident enough to actually fire off a spell. "Thrysta Garjzla!"" A ray of light, just a few inches wide but ten meters long, shot out of Arik's staff and hit the sack of straw.

The impromptu target caught fire, and Arik cursed himself for forgetting how flammable these darn things were. The heat couldn't have been that intense, but straw went up so readily it hardly mattered. Yet another reason for the sand, he thought to himself as he grabbed a pail and filled it with sand before dumping the contents over the flaming target to smother the flames. He returned to his bench, leaned against the wall, picked up his book and pen, and put a small check next to the details of the first spell. "Two to go."

~801/250 for Thrysta Garjzla.~

Spell Description:



Arik read his book for a few minutes more. There was another offensive spell that he'd come up with. It'd be useful for fighting more than one person, like those bandits. "Yes, but I can only conjure so much at a time. Getting the Rukh to make the skeleton is only half the job. I can't use up all the magoi I allot for the spell on just the underlying structure, and I can only put so much magoi into one spell before it backfires..." He closed the small blue book yet again, picking up the smooth quarterstaff and striding to the center of the room.

The spell was so close to the one he'd just practiced, Arik decided he'd just try to cast the spell. He rehearsed the spell once in his head and spoke the incantation. "Aenora Garjzla!"

His errant thoughts got in the way once again, confusing the spell and ruining the commands. The Rukh scattered, some converting into light anyway. The result was a bright flash, something that might have drawn the attention of people outside the room because of the raw amount of light. As for Arik, he stumbled back and covered his eyes, just a bit too late.

It was a good two minutes before Arik managed to dislodge the stripes the failed spell had left in his vision. "Idiot. You're lucky that didn't ruin your eyesight. What was the first lesson? Never underestimate a spell." The magician finished scolding himself quickly, but he was still seething a bit.

Arik took a deep breath, shut his eyes, and recited a bit of nonsense to reel in his thoughts once again. "In El'Harim there lived a man, a man with yellow eyes. He said to me 'beware the whispers for they whisper lies.'" When he opened his eyes once again, they were calm and focused. Running through the structure and commands he was going to give to the Rukh once again, he carefully constructed and cast the spell in his mind before attempting to do it for real.

"Aenora Garjzla!" This time, Arik was focused enough to hold the spell. It was pretty simple. A fan made of focused light shot out from his staff, illuminating a somewhat short but wide area. It left a few scorch marks on the sand where it touched at the end of its arc, enough for Arik to judge the range. "It's a bit close, but it's definitely good for dealing with multiples, as long as they're all in front of me. I just..." Arik trailed off and practiced the spell for a few more minutes, until he was satisfied that he'd linked the words and the commands together in his mind. "It's definitely a fast spell. It'll be useful for clearing space."

Aenora Gargzla:



Really, the other two spells had been Arik fooling around with basic light magic. He'd been told that Orange magicians like him had aptitude for Strength magic, but he hadn't ever been able to actually do something with it. There were a ton of theories he had for combining it with Light magic, but nothing he actually had fleshed out. There was one thing; he'd taken detailed notes on the one spell that every magician was supposed to be able to cast, if they studied it; self-propelled flight. The problem was that everyone had a slightly different approach, so his teachers' methods wouldn't work right if he just tried to copy.

That was the third spell he'd been contemplating on the walk home. It wasn't his type of magic, specifically, but it would be insanely useful to have. In fact, it just might save his life. Or not. Hopefully it wouldn't be needed in that capacity; if he was falling to his death he was just as likely as not to be unable to reach his staff. He'd copied down the proper name of the spell; Gravity Lift. He wasn't going to say it. In fact, this spell was probably best trained nonverbally, but Arik needed an incantation to bind the commands to at least as a starting point, so he picked a word. Just one; "Audr." It was short and simple, befitting the command he was giving to the Rukh; Lift me. A simple spell, but one that took a lot of energy to lift a fully grown man, scrawny wizard or no.

Striding to the center of the sand-filled room, Arik planted his staff firmly in the sand in front of him. The staff stood when he released it, proving that there was enough sand here that Arik wouldn't immediately break a bone if something went wrong with the magic. He focused on the command, somewhat thrown by the lack of a structure to contain the energy. This spell didn't need anything like that. It focused entirely on something that already existed; Arik's own body. Gathering his thoughts and energy, he seized the staff and pulled it free of the ground before striking it on the sand once again with a cry of "Audr!"

The effect was immediate; instead of staying put, the strike's force lifted Arik up off the ground, as though gravity had forgotten about him for a moment. By manipulating the flow of his magoi, he was able to tilt his body and float lazily in a general direction. Directing his path with his staff and focusing his magoi like a weight allowed him to gain more speed; a fact he discovered by ramming into various walls. A few minutes of practice left him both able to maneuver in midair, at least enough to not leave face-prints in every wall he came across, and bone-deep tired. He landed roughly, his legs taking a second to remember how to support weight. The world did backflips for a minute before Arik used his staff to get his feet under him. He packed his things and set off for the warmth of his bed, satisfied in a job well done.

~532/500 for Gravity Lift C~

Gravity Lift:


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