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Job Name: Madcow Fever
Job Rank: B-tier
Job Location: Kou Empire
Job Rewards: 200 EXP & 15,000 Haung
Job Overview:
A soldier who uses special breeds of bovine for his battle beasts has lost control of the cows. They're rampaging through a town, and so far its only victims had been some buildings. But, attempts to stop it has failed and it's only time until the cows kills some civilians. Put a stop to the mad cows and save the soldier from trouble!


The fanalis slaver was taking a break from buying and selling slaves, but there was a man who could no longer take care of his animals and Alexander had decided to see if he could get a sweet deal out of the man's despair.  He was a out of the way from the city and the mountains. As far as Alexander knew, it was a farmer with little access to the city, and was an older gentleman. Perhaps he was getting too old for his work, and if that were the case, perhaps all the animals would have to be sold. The idea excited 8.





Eight was eager to expose his raised rats to the real world at last. He had 50 of them, but was worried how other people would react to them, as they were known for their dirty abodes and a carrier for illness and disease, typically unwelcome in most circles. But he began to teach the rats how to burrow effectively, and with their whisker sense they were able to follow behind him, but underground out of site and at these leisure walking pace it wasn't obvious, in fact it was quite difficult to detect even while one was trying to find them.




Eight had to double check to make sure he was being successful, with which a tap of the foot on the ground, caused a small rumbling and shortly thereafter a bunch of little rodent heads broke through the dirt terrain and looked around and then up to him as the dirt rolled off their ears. Alexander smiled, surprisingly, he had a soft spot for the vermin, they were small and adorable and were essentially his slaves. But he didn't see slave as a dirty word when it came to his own. He treated them much better than they would be living freely. Besides having an easier life, they also became better and lead a more interesting life and left healthier offspring, and if Alex were to ever expire, the progeny of the rats would have a much higher rate of survival in the wild, so there were no benefits and instead of being preyed upon by cats, dogs, other rat colonies, etc, they were merely exposed to the callus whims of Alexander, which would essentially be no different than the whims of mother nature, who cared for no one except herself to preserve herself and continue existing.




Eight gave another double tap on the ground and they frantically scurried to make 180s into the ground, their little bums exposed to the air as they slipped back underground, and their tails sticking straight up for a second as they squished in and then their tails would sweep up any disturbed earth to cover the hole overhead to be as discrete as possible, teaching that one was as hard. It began by putting stuff the rats wanted by their tail and by restraining their body, eventually they learned to use their tail to scoop things, then it was scooping dirty, and then scooping dirt while underground, and they they picked it up fairly quick after that.

Alexander had finally made it to the farm to try to purchase the cows, but he didn't quite see a farmer, it was a soldier, he could tell as he had taken some soldiers that was prisoners of war as slaves. This soldier was doing double duty as a farmer. Perhaps his history was that of a farmer and the military gave him some training and found him most useful in this capacity. He was standing in a farm and there was some cattle and he was also growing food not only for himself and the cattle, but seemingly for the army as well, but the condition of the farm was definitely in disarray, just as he was and the bovine that were in the pen were definitely way too small for any type of war, maybe they could be at place in a petting zoo for a kid to pet and ride.

The soldier quickly realized who Alexander was and waved him over. He gave a single tap of his for and swept his foot across the floor towards the small farm. This was a message to his rats. Single meant first, double meant second. A pat was any sort of structure, a tap was a building, and a stomp was a being. With that the rats had left him and would go to travel through the dirt and would start heading into the farm house and would settle in to investigate the area.

"Hey, you're the one who was going to buy the rest of our merchandise, right? Some of it ran away and this farm has become a burden to pay for the benefits and we were running it at a loss because it would be even less efficient to stop."




Alexander begin to catch up with the soliders and heard what the issue was, two cows were rampaging in a nearby town and inbetween rampages in the town, it would come back, hurt the animals, attack him and eat more of the cattle. The soldier knew he was to blame, because of the low costs, he tried to save as much money for the military to keep this job of taking care of animals, out of the actual risk of fighting on the front lines. So he began to feed the better cows that showed promise for combat, by feeding them the runt cows... leading them to made cow disease.




Alexander said he would take everything and the mad cows, just so he could stop the army from being held liable for the soldiers mistakes, and the soldier argued for a moment, but then he realized, he was already a burden and a drain and he was afraid of what would happen to the people, because he knew exactly how strong these beasts were and he was lucky to get out alive and he was a hard worker to raised them as well as a soldier. How could ordinary people deal with them and the problems would be compounded if the army found out.




"Let me help, just help me." The farmer soldier shushed Alexander despite a lack of talking from Alex. He took a deep swig of air, and got into a pose, similar to that of a sumo wrestler, and as he dipped his head for a second, and then raised his head and exhaled, letting out the deeeeepest cow call. Ever. "Aaawwwmoooouuurrr." It was some sort of blend that he never heard, but it seemed to work because shortly thereafter there were two sets of stampeding hooves coming right their way with ever increasing tempo. CRASH. Two humongous steers broke through the farm house, staying inside of it.




Alexander was happy with how the situation, and now it was his turn. The soldier had a pitchfork in his hand, with the intention of helping out, but he was quaking in his boots, and his hands were shaking even worse. Alexander extended his neck and made his own beast call. "Eep, eep, eep, eep!" Several octaves higher than his regular voice, and then there was a frenzy in the farmhouse. The soldier was surprised and dumbfounded, but Eight went to them straight. as the two bovines were thrashing about, stomping as if attempting to buck off an invisible rider from their backs.

Alexander's immense speed bridged the gap in moments, and he was finally able to see the reason for the mad cows acting out, the high-pitched call had sic'd his rats on the bulls, and these war rats went crazy. Some of them were squished and killed immediately spattered, which spooked off some more rats from the confrontation, but a pair of rats just kept biting into Taiyang, the larger bull, and another pair of rats went to claw into Yueliang.


OOC: 2 D-tier bites in Taiyang. 2 D-tier claws into Yueliang.
The cows have stomped on 5 rats, and scared 5 more rats.



The fanalis was eager with what had just happened, that the rats that were most afraid of the situation had run away, which would only strengthen the breeding pool for him, with so many rats dead, he didn't want any more genes to go to waste. He lept in and brought a knee into the larger cows head, snapping its neck as its head bounced up, and then he flopped back down on the floor lifeless, targetting this one because he was more worried about the potential flames hurting his mice and even burning down the small farmhouse on top of them, dealing more unnecessary damage and harm, and then he picked up a handful rats and tossed them onto Yueliang's back. Two more caught onto the bovine and all the simultaneous scratches of 4 d-tier rats over the earlier tearing into it's skin, the bovine tried to Zeus Charge into the floor to kill some more rats, but it only smashed, and electrified 2 more rats, burning them to a crisp.

It was only at this time that he farmer came in and shoved his spear in to the steers neck, and with a thank you, he paid Alex and was going to sell the meat from these cows to try to recoup as much of the costs as possible, and fix the farm on his own.


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