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Siririn's Trove

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1Siririn's Trove Empty Siririn's Trove 21/08/15, 05:18 pm

Siririn Tenebre

Siririn Tenebre

Last edited by Siririn Tenebre on 21/08/15, 05:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

2Siririn's Trove Empty Re: Siririn's Trove 21/08/15, 05:20 pm

Siririn Tenebre

Siririn Tenebre

Name: Siririn Tenebre

Country Affiliation: Imuchakk


Tier: D-tier

Specialization: Strength

Age + Birthdate: 19 September 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Personality: Siririn is generally a happy and kind person, who enjoys helping and will often be what would best be described as stubborn when it comes to talking him out of doing something he has set his mind to even if it is “impossible”. His stubborn nature often comes at the price of causing him extra trouble when he tries and accomplishes things, with his determination of doing something the way he wants which is not always the most efficient way but he won't accept the thought of something failing unless it puts another life in danger. Siririn’s happy, carefree personality generally covers most of his everyday life but as much as he tries to deny it he has a horrible angry side often trying to avoid getting severely angry having very few things that upset him to the point where his personality changes greatly. Even with drastic personality sides Siririn has a middle ground, he is very protective of friends no matter how distant or close they are and is very loyal to those that are lucky enough to earn his full trust. With those that he considers close friends he would lay down his life for again and again to show how he feels about them as he is not very open about his thoughts being a rather reserved person when it comes to personal thoughts. On the inside Siririn is very different than how he portrays himself being very self conscious and full of self doubt which causes him to act rash with his decisions because he knows that if he would stop and think he would drive himself crazy over-thinking it.

Sirrin loves animals, believing they are pure with intention they only do what is necessary to survive. He greatly respects how nature works and believes he can learn greatly from observing it. Siririn feels great regret when killing beasts even when it is the only option.
Siririn enjoys having time to relax and think, while he does enjoy being around people he uses his time alone to reflect and allow himself to understand how he should approach situations.

Siririn harbors a great hate for these creatures, he does not know why but he despises them. Even with as much as he hates them he knows he could never do anything to them because of the fear he holds for them, which adds on to his hate of them.
Siririn hates the thought that people are treated differently based on appearance of race, or on how much coin they have in their pocket. While he understands how things work in society he still does not accept certain things like slavery or especially the disrespect of women where he draws the line.
Disregard of Life
People who care not for the lives of living beings, especially those that disrespect the lives of innocent animals. This act of ignorance drives Siririn insane as he is not able to understand why anyone would act like this.

Aspirations: Siririn’s main goal is to bring honor to his late family by being the best he could possibly be as to be able to obtain a place to continue his family’s legacy as the last of his bloodline. His goals may not be as extravagant as others but to him it would be more important than becoming a ruler of a country or gaining ultimate riches. While his main aspiration is a simple one he still understands the importance of money and power and aims to acquire it to be able to give any future chance at a family he has a chance to start strong.
Loss Family/Friends
Siririn has a fear of loss and abandonment by close friends and family, as it stems from the loss of his family at such a young age, causing this fear to be embedded into his subconscious. The shear thought of losing someone that he holds dear sparks a fear in him and causes him to act rash or stupid to do whatever he can to prevent it, often driving him crazy as he rarely shares his emotions when it comes to how he feels and it will interfere with how he approaches things causing him to make stupid mistakes.
Face-Claim: Ayato Kirishima - Tokyo Ghoul

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Dark Blue

Height: 336 cm (11ft)

Weight: 209.9 Kg (463.4 lbs)

Appearance: Even as a Imuchakk Sirrin is rather large towering above his fellow people and even more so with those of a different race. His body is very muscular and very lean for someone of his size. His eyes are often cold despite the way he feels due to their dark hue and sometimes discourage those who approach him especially if he has a scowl.
Siririn typically wears cloth wraps around his chest and arms, providing little protection and is normally the only thing he wears when relaxing or training. When he goes on missions or travels he wears a long cloak wrapped over his body with armored gauntlets on both of his arms providing little protection for fighting. His large sword is typically strapped to his back giving his already formidable appearance even more frightening look.
While conversing or doing anything really Siririn is always moving, using gestures to describe things while talking or absentmindedly tapping his fingers. If he considers you a close friend he will often get physical with the person, ruffling hair or other ways of affection as he is not very good at expressing how he feels towards people.

Rukh Alignment: White Rukh

Special Traits: Dark Markings, almost tattoo like, down his back and on his biceps. They form no distinct marking and look much like a arcs of Lightning or Jagged Cuts running down his back and encircling his biceps. Markings give off a distinct glow in darkness,like they reflect light from unknown source. They provide no extra help or purpose so its something he has learned to live with.
Siririn was born as a 4th child to a family of 7, with 3 older siblings his early childhood was largely chaotic. Even as a young child his massive size was relevant at the age of 4 he was almost the same size as his 7 year old brother, which led to a lot of misadventures with his life due to the fact of that his siblings would often forget he was still just a child. At the age of 5 his two older brothers, ages 8 and 10 took the young child out into the tundra not far from their village to a fishing hole the two older boys frequented. As the boys readied their bait , the young Siririn got distracted by an oddly colored creature catching his eye before disappearing. His interest piqued he tried to find the odd creature unbeknownst to his brothers he wandered from them, following what he thought was the creature's tracks. It ultimately led to a dead-end. As the tracks ended in the middle of the tundra all the ice and snow looked the same, he tried and back track but his prints were nowhere to be found. He searched for a cave knowing how fast and dangerous the weather of the tundra could be, as he approached a small cave he began thinking of how he could survive, even though he was at a young age his parents made sure he could handle himself. Sadly all he had was a small spear meant for spearing fish at a close range and the clothes on his back as the weather turned outside the option of leaving vanished. As the storm raged the fear that his family left him here set in, the hours passed and he couldn’t tell what time it was a the storm was still going. The only good thing about it was no living being that posed a threat would be out there. With the wood from the spear and a piece of fabric he managed to start a small flame to which he nurtured throughout the storm, barely managing to use its small amount of heat to warm him. When the storm ended Siririn emerged tired and terrified, he began walking not knowing where he was going. He collapsed into the snow shortly after and awoke in his home alone covered by fur pelts unable to feel most of his body. His fear from the ordeal scared him for months terrified of being abandoned again.
As he got older his fear disappeared or so he thought, it started mostly when his younger sister was born giving him a sense of purpose. At the age of 8 he began to practice his sword skills training to be able to protect his family, studying so he could be a better role model, and helping out more. One day as he had gone to gather some fish for the family, on his way back he found it eerily quiet around his home where, he should have been able to hear his sister crying or his brothers working around the house. As he approached the house he noticed the door was off one of its hinges, he drew closer for inspection and noticed red stained the ground in front of his home stopping him in his tracks as fear washed over him, and then a sudden terror he ran through the house ignoring the bodies he passed making it to the baby’s crib he found nothing. Running out the house he followed tracks through the snow. As he came to the top of a hill he saw a group of hooded figures heading into the tundra. An anger took hold of him and filled him with hate. He grasped his hunting spear a threw it towards the group, his strength enough to propel the spear far but fueled by his anger it was enough to pierce one of the assailants. As the man screamed from the unexpected agony collapsed clutching the leg pierced by the spear. Not wanting to deal with the child and not caring about their accomplice they took off, leaving the man to Siririn who charged down the hill sword in hand. As he approached the man tried to threaten him with a shaky dagger but it did nothing to deter Siririn, drew his sword and drove it through the man's upper thigh pinning him to the ground and causing him to writhe in pain dropping the dagger. Siririn placed his foot on the man holding him down. As the man made empty threats and pleaded with Siririn but it was drowned out by the feeling of hatred. Siririn studied the man who was clearly not Imuchakk as he was only slightly taller than him,as he finished studying the man under his foot he picked up the man's dagger and pierced the man's throat. He watched as the life drained from the man’s eyes, Siririn’s dark unblinking eyes taking everything in. By the time he was done the others were gone,he tried his best to track them but he found no tracks. He walked back to the home and was met by the horrid scene, at least two unfamiliar dead bodies lay in the house entrance and one more lay further on. His family's corpses lay throughout the house with open wounds and weapons in their body, but he paid no attention he walked through the house his anger blinding him. He looked for any signs of life but found none. He left heading towards the closest village, his anger boiling away to shock and horror as he processed what had happened and how he reacted, it was something he had never felt before and he ended a life. As he approached the village he broke down causing the people to notice him several that knew his family and tried to console the young child but many would be pulled back as they stated he had gone mad. When he was finally calm enough to explain what had happened a group of men set out to investigate. They found the scene and reported nothing in the way of the assailants finding no clues on the slaughtered man. As the whole ordeal blew over a family friend put the child into a room at the village inn. Even though it was a huge emotional problem Seririn dealt with it rather quickly, accepting the fact in only a couple months and being back to normal. From that point on he had sworn to use his life for something meaningful and bring honor to his family, by the age of 11 he had excelled at the art of fighting. He would often try and help those he could by fetching food for those who could not or ridding a area of a menace.

Role-Play Sample: Siririn drew his greatsword a massive metal sword tinted with a hint of blue along the blade. It size something that would require most to use both hands but the giant drew the sword with ease, the hilt fitting perfectly in his hands. He drew in a sharp breath and brought the sword back, swinging it towards the straw training dummy that stood in front of him cleaving it in half with the cold blade. As he went through the motions time seemed to move slower enabling him to perfect the strike he had been working on for days, his graceful movements were something one would not expect for someone of his size. He sheathed his blade and let out a sigh “It could be better,” he stated to no one in particular “ It needs more speed and it could be a little more accurate, barely scraped the eye”. He examined the cut of the blade, most would say that what he performed was great for his abilities but that's just what he wanted to surpass he wanted to push himself past his current limit and be greater. He let out a sigh a stretched feeling the pain in his muscles from pushing himself so much during his training, bringing a cringe to his face. “I suppose I should relax a bit before I collapse” and with that he walked out away, before collapsing a few feet away in unbearable pain the effects of pushing his body way too far with Magoi Manipulation he knew he wasnt ready for it but he pushed himself too far even with that simple of a technique. As he lay there he cursed himself with his last breathe and his eyelids closed allowing the darkness to ascend over him, and all he could do was hope he had not pushed over the edge.

3Siririn's Trove Empty Re: Siririn's Trove 21/08/15, 05:21 pm

Siririn Tenebre

Siririn Tenebre


  • Primary - Strength
  • Secondary -
  • Tertiary -

Primary Profession
Related Specialization: Strength
Profession Title: Knight
Description: Having a very strong sense of Determination,Morality, Honor and the Protection of those that need it he makes a very honorable warrior. His word is often truth when he speaks on matters that are important and those around can tell that he means what he says. When it comes to protection his determination pushes him to risk his life for those that he holds dear, allowing very little to stand in his way.
Profession Perks:

  • Perk 1: True Intentions: When Siririn speaks he speaks with sincerity and honesty. His words bringing emotion to those whom he speaks to rather it be inspiring , swaying them, or a simple calming effect on terrified innocents.
  • Perk 2: Increased Reaction : Being trained in fighting his regular reflexes are better and his mind is sharper,being able to process situations and react faster than normal. Allowing him to observe techniques and patterns in many situations from fighting to social ticks of people.
  • Perk 3: Fitness: Due to his training his body is in top physical condition allowing for feats of strength and power for a long duration of time.

Secondary Profession
Profession Title: Innovator
Description: As an Innovator he uses his brain in many different situations whether it be in the mechanical world with machines and palaces, or nature with animals and other living beings. When put in situations that require his knowledge he utilizes it hating being in a place where he can’t figure it out or the feeling of being lost he developed as a child.
Profession Perks:

  • Perk 1: Animal Study : As he is fascinated with animals and nature giving him a vast knowledge on the subject. Allowing him to interact with nature and animals in a way that benefits him most and hurts it the least. (knowing where food grows,  knowing how animals interact in social situations)
  • Perk 2 Mechanical Prowess : As he knew that he would come across situations where he would have to deal with machines at some point and broadened his research to mechanics and architecture. His studies give him the knowledge to figure how things work and are designed rather quickly. Also giving him the ability to build small contraptions with the right materials.

Last edited by Siririn Tenebre on 31/08/15, 06:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Siririn's Trove Empty Re: Siririn's Trove 21/08/15, 05:26 pm

Siririn Tenebre

Siririn Tenebre

D-tier Abilities

C-tier Abilities

B-tier Abilities

A-tier Abilities

Omega-tier Abilities

Beast Abilities

Djinn Related Abilities

Social Abilities

Last edited by Siririn Tenebre on 21/08/15, 08:30 pm; edited 1 time in total

5Siririn's Trove Empty Re: Siririn's Trove 21/08/15, 05:27 pm

Siririn Tenebre

Siririn Tenebre



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