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The Flames of Tomorrow (Job/Plot/NoM)

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The High priestess was finally getting home from the festival that her precious religious organization had hosted. She was beginning to feel the weight of exhaustion bear down on her but she did not have any time to rest, not just yet. She had to plan for the next step and before she could do that she would have to come to a decision of what exactly the next step will actually be. She would go to the dining room of the mansion which served as the makeshift war room for the high priestess and her closest followers. However, all of them were currently at the party that she had left a bit earlier than everyone else.

The Sacred Order of the Flames Reach had so far focused on building a physical presence in the country then making connections with the public and the guards as well. However, the group that they needed influence with the most would be the students of the magician academy itself. If they could get a hold of the students in the school body then they could influence the future of Magnostadt itself. The problem in question though was how would they reach out to the kids? If she could then she would just set fire to the academy that served as protection for the students and professors, yet this was not a viable option at this moment in time. If she was in one of the other countries that would most certainly be her next step but this country was a lot more difficult to get away with something like this and a lot easier to have the whole nation turn against her organization. No, for this she would have to use her words to persuade the students instead.

So she knew what she was going to end up going with next but she still was not certain how to best gather a group of students. She had preached her words to the young moldable minds of the academy once before outside of the entrance for the academy itself but only was able to reach out to a couple of them at the time. This time she must attempt to contact them with another way instead. She would end up retiring for the night in her bed deigning to wait till the morning to go with the idea that she had come up with. The next morning she would reach out to the high ranking members of her organization and alert them about her plan. They would get right away with making posters that would be placed by their lower ranked members near the academy and other locations that students were known to frequent inside the walls of the country of magicians.

The posters would talk about a speech from the High Priestess of the flames Reach in a opened area that was known as a place for gatherings. The meeting for the minor event was settled for a couple of days from the morning which gilles would wait lounging around or practicing her sword skills in a secluded area. The time leading up to that fated day would go by rather quickly as when the day arrived she would be standing on a podium made by her followers as she looked out at the crowd that had amassed before her. There was only a few dozen which was a small fraction of the student body of Magno but this was enough for her. Even if she only swayed a quarter of the members here that would be more than enough for what she needed. She needed not a bonfire that burned bright and was quite fleeting but a massive wildfire that would spread its flames throughout the land consuming everything which would only feed it and make it larger. The few that she is able to persuade will be used to spread the message of the flames to their fellow classmates and possibly even their professors. The young minds that were so susceptible to coercion were the perfect vessels for converting others on a large scale, they would prove to be perfect members for the hidden flames, true shadows in this country.

She would not talk though and have someone else speak her words for her while she pretends to converse her intentions while in truth they came up with what to say days before. She could barely talk anymore without causing severe pain to herself so she had to resort to her inner circle speaking for her. The man speaking for her was one of her newly appointed inner circle, being the second iteration of the cardinal flame known as Dawn. DawnII was wearing a mask but when they spoke some of the students would have noticed the speaker being the second leader of the merchant’s guild known as the Purple Mole and was known to be a formidable magician who attended the academy a few years ago.

“Hello students! I apologize about not being able to speak to you all personally, I have suffered a sever injury not too long ago that damaged my vocal chords to the point it causes pain to speak. I am glad to see all of you that have chosen to come and listen to what I and my followers have to say and offer to you. We, the children of flame have come to acknowledge the great power and fortitude of you students and wish to reach out to you all personally. We can help make you all even more prominent and important in this country and offer you power through our god, our lord’s grace will pull out your potential that you know not about yet. Accept the will of our lord and follow our orders and you will be rewarded greatly by him. Please take the day to think it over and come to the church tomorrow if you wish to join.” After this she would leave but her inner circle would continue to speak vigorously about their order and everything they offer as well as what one must do to become a member and serve the lord of flames.

The next day gilles would grin to herself at the site of 20 students showing up willingly joining the Flames reach. It was small progress but had  the strong possibility to grow rapidly and that was what she was focused on. She would go and meet the new members and give them a warm welcome to their new life.

WC 1000+/1000

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