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Babysitting [Job]

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1Babysitting [Job] Empty Babysitting [Job] 18/08/20, 02:33 pm

Bakari Al-Amin

Bakari Al-Amin

Job Name: Lonely Orphans
Job Rank: D-Tier
Job Location: Heliohapt
Job Rewards: 50 XP, 3,000 Huang
Job Overview: Since the attack during the Festival of the Broken Sun, there has been an increase in the number of orphans. The children are sad and lonely. Visiting them and cheering them up by making them happy through laughter, singing and dancing, telling them stories, or other means, will be rewarded.

"Children. Why did it have to be children?" Bakari groaned as he made his way to the given address. He had met another stranger in the coffee shop with money to spend and a problem to solve. This time it was an elderly woman who cared for some of the local Orphans, and she convinced him to watch over them on the following day until night. At the time he thought nothing of it, but now facing down the fact that in mere moments he would come face to face with three loud energetic uncouth germ factories made him rather uncomfortable. It was approaching noon now, and as Bakari came up to the door a savory aroma met his nose. "Maybe this won't be so bad after all."

Bakari rapped on the door three times, and waited mere seconds before the short and plump old woman opened the door and pulled him inside by his shirt without a word. Bakari straightened out his clothing, and looked on to the old lady for some sort of explanation for the abrupt entry.

"I'm sorry, but I just need a break. The children are in their rooms and will come down soon. Lunch is on the fire right now, just give it a few more stirs over the next hour and that stew will be ready to eat." The old woman said breathlessly. She gathered her bag and he head covering before looking back to Bakari. "Good luck young man, and thank you for this. I'll be back just after nightfall."

WC 258/258

2Babysitting [Job] Empty Re: Babysitting [Job] 18/08/20, 03:58 pm

Bakari Al-Amin

Bakari Al-Amin

With the old woman gone Bakari focused his attention on the lunch she had prepared. It was a thick brown stew made of chicken, potatoes, carrots, and peas. There was a hint of chili aroma rising out of the steam. Commoner food to be sure, but probably quite delicious. After an hour of Bakari carefully stirring the pot, and setting a kettle on the fire the meal was ready to eat.

"Kids, lunch!" The new babysitter called out. Two boys close in age instantly bounded out of their room and fought with one another on the way to grab a bowl. The older of the two won out, pushing the younger to the ground before appearing bowl in hand in front of Bakari. Laughing the young man ladled out a good portion for him, and poured him a steaming cup of tea.

The younger boy stood up, and made a rude gesture at the elder boy before presenting himself to Bakari for a serving of his own. It was at this point that Bakari noticed something odd about these children. Even though they carried on like normal kids they had not in the entire time he had been there said a single word. This did not change as the two boys took their seat on cushions laid on on the floor around a small table, and began to slowly eat their meals.

The boys were nearly halfway through their bowls by the time the eldest of the three, a girl around the age of twelve made her way down the stairs. She smiled at Bakari, and silently insisted that she serve herself. Grudgingly she accepted the cup of tea Bakari poured for her while she ladled out her own stew.

"Thanks." She muttered before taking her place at the table.

WC 300/558

3Babysitting [Job] Empty Re: Babysitting [Job] 18/08/20, 06:04 pm

Bakari Al-Amin

Bakari Al-Amin

Bakari made himself a bowl, and joined the children at the table. The silence was awkward to say the least, and as he ate he took note of the expressions on each of their faces. They stared into their bowls, and looked as if the answers to all life's mysteries could be found somewhere hidden in the broth. The youngest was the only one to look up from time to time as if he was checking to see if Bakari was still there. Noticing this habit after a couple of times Bakari a plan started to form in his mind. Setting aside his spoon for a moment the young magician stared right into the child's eyes, and began pulling at the corners of his own mouth making awkward and silly faces.

A snort that sent stew shooting out of the child's nose was all it took to break the silence. The older boy rolled fell backward laughing, and the girl politely covered her mouth as she chuckled. this mirth continued for a few moments as Bakari set to work trying out different faces.

"You're funny mister" the youngest said as he tried to regain his composure.

"I try, but most people just don't see it. Thank you....erm whats your name buddy?" Bakari asked realizing that the old woman hadn't even shared her own name.

"Jabari" he answer before swinging a sticky finger over in the older boy's direction "And that is Hadi". He then pointed at the girl and said "and shes Farah! Whats your name?".

Bakari smiled and answered "Bakari, but you can call me Bak-bak."

"Bak-bak?" The child pondered.

"Yeah Bak-bak as in" Bakari then stood and put his hands into his armpits before flapping his elbows like wings and running around the table "Bwak bak bak bak bak bagok!". When his chicken noises stopped he bent at the waist and pecked a few times at Jabari's shoulder with his nose. The children roared with laughter.

The comedic antics continued through lunch and until the sun started to set. At which point the conversations started to get more sober. Farah had offered to help Bakari prepare supper while the boys played outside. The two were scaling and fileting fish to roast when she looked up at him, and asked "Mister Bakari? Have you ever lost a parent?"

Bakari's smile faded as he thought about his parents, and he responded "Both of them. Mom when I was a kid, and Dad not too long ago.  It gets lonely huh?".

"Yes, it does. We've all lost ours too." Farah said before pointing out the window to Jabari whom at this time was pretending to slash at Hadi with a "magical" stick-sword. "Jabari is the newest. He doesn't even know where his parents are. He was just left here two months ago and thinks his mom just went to the market. Hadi lost his parents to the desert. Watched them and their caravan of traders get slaughtered by bandits on the way here from Heliohapt." Farah paused at this and took a mighty swing of her cleaver to behead the fish she was working on. "When he turned up two years ago I thought it was the greatest thing 'cause I have a little brother to play with, but knowing he saw all that makes me sad. As for me well I never had a dad, and mom's job made her quite sick. Sometimes coughing. Sometimes seeing people that were not really there. I cared for her for a while before she died. I was 7 then, and I'm twelve now so that means it was...." She ticked off the years on her fingers "Five years ago. The doctors brought me here, to Riffat when they learned I had no family left. Riffat has been my "Auntie" and taken care of me ever since."

Bakari had stopped working altogether to listen to the child and was leaning on the counter with his elbows. "It's good that you all have her. There are plenty of children out there that have no one." Bakari said in an attempt to make Farah smile. His words had the opposite effect however and tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"I know I should be grateful, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my Mom." Farah choked out before wrapping a now stunned Bakari in a tight hug. Her tears soaked through his shirt. Bakari placed a single hand on top of her head.

"I understand little one," He started. Bakari would have given anything to have his father back, and knew that no one would be able to fill the hole Farah's mother had left. "but I'd bet she wouldn't want you crying over her still would she? I think she would want to see you smile and be strong for those little ones out there. Now come on, lets get this finished before Riffat gets home that way we can all eat together and I can make her laugh too.

The two did just that having fried fish and rice ready when Riffat came back home. The boys came in shortly after and washed up for supper. This time there was no more silence, but instead a happy home filled with conversation and laughter. After supper  Bakari helped get the children ready for bed, and even told the three of them "totally true, and in no way made up" stories about his own childhood having to fight an ugly monster named Akram with nothing but a stick. Enthralled in that way only sleepy children can be Bakari had them snoring within an hour. Leaving them Bakari went back downstairs to begin cleaning up from dinner.

"You don't have to do that" Riffat said as Bakari gathered up the dishes and utensils for washing. "I'll get to it eventually."

"You have me for the day Riffat, and I mean to do all that I can to help. It's a good thing you do for these children here. Someone should be helping you every day." Bakari answered, not letting her talk him down. So the two talked and cleaned the evening away. Before Bakari took his pay and left he promised to visit often, and tell the children more stories.

WC 1047/1605

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