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Reaching new Limits [Class Training]

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Ganbo Basara

Ganbo Basara

The arena really had help set, Ganbo in the state of mind he had been trying to reach. A sense of being in the world, he had sought one out for so long that the idea of the arena being less. He felt a great deal of stress relief, now that he knew his expectations had been met.  He knew that as a duo they could reach for the championship. Maybe even by  myself if Knuckles gets bored. Which is prone to happen eventually. Either way he had a thought on what he could do to improve his own combat prowess. For people like Knuckles it was simple to get stronger they trained with weights swords fighting etc. Ganbo relied on methods more esoteric in nature. He'd tell the owner of the inn explicit instructions on how if he wasn't back in a week and 2 days to contact Knuckles and give him this location. Leaving it all in a letter form, he'd pay the man for a week to reserve his room, and keep it clean. He was more than happy to oblige since Ganbo offered him sustainable income around the less busy seasons.

Walking out of the city Ganbo traveled to a forest just outside the gates, it was one of the few remaining with the war crushed lands outside Reim. Once he arrived he stripped until he was just in his underwear, building a camp with a tent and supplies. He placed all his clothes inside and went to look for a spring. He would extend his arms out and randomly jump and do pull-ups on trees on the highest branch he could reach. He had worked up a sweat in a couple minutes when he saw the stream. Stripping off his underwear he'd jump into the stream. It went up to his shoulders so it was safe to say it was probably a river. Either way once he was in the river he'd dive in to swim against the current. After a good hour of swimming Ganbo would return back to his camp site. He would then meditate, the forest was far from quiet. The sound of life settled around Ganbo's ear as he reached for a state of tranquility he couldn't achieve in Reim with the distractions of civilization. It was in this state that he would come up with more ideas on how to improve his fighting style. He was his own power, the most important lesson being to overcome one's own will to achieve personal gratification.He reflected on his battle with Rufi as well as his battles in the past weeks with different slave traders. There seemed to be a common factor linking them all together. It was Ganbo's arms, they were the main arsenal that he used when fighting. It was one thing to rely another to be dependent on, he felt he was starting to grow a dependency on his arms. So his training would naturally need to focus his attention on other body parts. He had told himself once he started his arena career he'd find a flashy gimmick to use when fighting, something better than long arms. Ganbo had been contemplating using his bones as part of this technique. Drifting off into his own mind devoid of thoughts as the sounds of his breath mixed with the forest life.

After an undisclosed amount of time Ganbo would feel his meditation was sufficient. He'd look around the forest and walk in a random direction, slowly moving into a jog as he avoided foliage from all sides. Seems I'm off the common trails already, must not be a lot of nature lovers around anymore. The first day he found nothing of interest moving through the forest. After repeating the same exercises for another 6 days Ganbo would discover an animal of note in the forest. A large bear was fighting wolves, Ganbo would jump into a tree about 7 meters away and observe. Whether it was the bear's ferocity or the wolves teamwork, he thoroughly enjoyed the battle. It was as great as a coliseum battle, afterwards he'd meditate down at camp. He had an epiphany, the next night he'd find the den of the bear who had been attacked. It had been weakened in its fight with the wolves the previous night it was obvious from its movements towards Ganbo. He'd do body shots with the bear letting it paw and swipe him. In exchange he'd hit it with his legs, knees and head. After they were both thoroughly beaten he'd run away barely escaping. That night he'd have a vivid dream, one where he grew bone spikes out of his legs and back. They were sharpened and strengthened to be similar to natural blades. The amount of destruction he was capable, he woke up with a huge smile. He'd stay out in the forest for another day or so continuing his exercise before returning to Reim. Arriving at the gates Ganbo looked up "Hope Knuckles is ready for that Ass whooping!"He felt confident in the results his training had produced.

WC: 852/500

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