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Adrastos vs. Giana Antonius

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1Adrastos vs. Giana Antonius Empty Adrastos vs. Giana Antonius 24/02/15, 05:10 pm

Adrastos Thanatos

Adrastos Thanatos

Opponent - Giana Antonius:

Adrastos vs. Giana Antonius
Adrastos stepped out onto the Coliseum battleground. The blistering cries of the spectators was still overwhelming to Adrastos, who had only participated in one successful against a fighter named Silver Fox. With only one win to his name, Adrastos was far from being known in the Coliseum. Now, here he was again, ready to take on yet another opponent and beat them so that he could win again in this brutal arena. He wanted to rise to the top, make a name for himself that nobody would forget and that everyone would fear.
The doors behind the blue mage shut tightly, signaling that there would be no way out until he came out victorious, or, until he was defeated in battle. That was how the Coliseum worked. That was how Adrastos wanted it. From here on out, throughout this whole battle, it was only him and his opponent. Nobody else. No barrier blocked his path other than the opponent he would be facing today. He would tear down that barrier and move on to the next level.
There, in the center of the battlegrounds, stood his opponent. To his disgust, it was another woman, but this one was not menacing in appearance as Silver Fox. She wore a pink and white corset top with a bit of golden trim, long white sleeves that extended down to her wrists, a green fabric around her neck, white stockings, and a pair of dainty pink shoes. The material shined under the sun, making Adrastos assume that her clothing was made of silk, a fine material only nobles and those of high class and money could afford. Her hair was soft looking. Bangs covered her forehead and the rest was tied back in a ponytail with a pink and white tie that resembled a flower crown. In her hands, she carried two massive  bladed fans with colors to match her noble attire. However, the style of her attire screamed Kou. Did they seriously expect this woman to be a challenge in this place? Someone like here was suppose to be dining on fine food and drinking expensive wine, not partaking in Coliseum matches. Was she insane? Or was it just Adrastos' strong dislike of women acting superior to men?
Adrastos shook his head. "A girl like you shouldn't even be here. This is a joke if they expect you to be able to land any damage on me." She giggled. "I think you'll find out that you shouldn't judge someone based on their appearance," she sang, her voice ringing like musical wind chimes dancing in a soft breeze. "My name is Giana Antonius. It's a pleasure to meet you. What is your name?" Adrastos got closer so that she was within range slowly, and got into a position to attack. "Why should it matter to you?" He glared. "Aqua Fluctus!" A wave of water was directed at her, but she merely deflected with her Resting Moon by twirling one of her fans to block the incoming attack. Her giant brown eyes peeked out from the side of the fan as she giggled. "It matters because I want to know the name of the man I will be defeating." Giana gave him an innocent smile that was not one of angelic innocence. She was serious. Deadly serious.
With graceful elegance, Giana ran at Adrastos to close what little distance there was and attacked with her fans. He stepped aside, but one of them caught his arm. He hissed to himself. I won't let this be a repeat of last time, he thought, I won't allow her such satisfaction. "Aqua Bulla!" The bubbles hit her, causing bruises to form and peek out from behind her fancy garb. "Why you little," she gasped. Once a spoiled brat, always a spoiled brat, he thought. People like her couldn't stand to not get their way and threw a tantrum whenever their stuff got ruined. She screamed at his, her eyes crying out for bloody murder. Maybe having her be in a tantrum was not the best idea he ever had. In fact, it was probably the worst.
She raised both of her fans and brought the down in an X-formation, using her Falling Moon ability that sliced into his chest. Adrastos stumbled back and watched the blood cover his chest and pour down his body. The fans slashed into his flesh deeply. His heart pounded in his ears and his vision went a little blurry. He didn't want to die; he was too afraid of death to just simply allow it to happen like this. Giana giggled, but the sound was muffled by his own heart pumping. He could see her mouth move, but heard no words. Was this the end? Was he to lose here? Bleed out? Get pummeled until certain death and not be allowed a quick end?
Adrastos clutched his staff tightly and used it to help him stand. She flicked her fans at Adrastos, using her Rising Moon attack. He stumbled, not expecting the attack at all, but did not fall to the ground. "I told you that you would learn to not judge someone by their appearance alone. Now you will be defeated by me and no doubt be followed by humiliation wherever you go." Adrastos chuckled. "Then why not have the tables be turned, Lady Antonius?" He casted Glacies Spica and ice shards struck his opponent from below.
"How would it feel, milady, to lose to a man born of the slums?" She laughed and jumped back a few times, putting at least fifteen meters between them. "I won't lose to someone like you," she countered with a laugh. "Don't be so sure," he muttered and then, he ran at her, not a full sprint, but a slow jog. He opened his mouth, as if to say something causing her to use Resting Moon as a precaution. This provided him with the chance to alter his direction while her vision was blocked by her own fan temporarily. When he stood fifteen meters away to her east, he casted the real spells. "I hope you enjoy the cold." He used Congelo Cado. When all the shards made impact, they froze her arms and he quickly used Glaciem Aqua Sagitta while she was incapable of using her fans, followed by Adrustum Aura to inflict more damage as a safety measure to make sure she was down.
Adrastos looked at the noblewoman, whose skin was purple from frostbite, his breath heavy and eyes as cold as the ice he used in his spells. "You should have stayed in your comfy little home."

[WC: 1106]
[Magoi: 110/200]
Opponents Abilities Used:
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