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A new journey begins. [Traveling to Reim, Solo]

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Mon was at home the fiasco of yesterday over 'Man that was tough.' he thought as he left his house to see if he could find something to do in the village. Mon wandered around for what seemed like ages to him bored out of his mind when he bumped into a man "Sorry, sorry." Mon said as he looked at the man 'hmm a human from the mainland. "No problem the." The man said his voice low an gruff, he looked Mon over "Hmm you by any chance a fighter." he asked, Mon stared at the man "Well I'm a hunter." he answered, the man nodded "Well we could use some one like you." the man said eyeing the spear on Mons back "Whose we?" he asked as the man looked to be in thought "Follow me." the man said as he walked off, Seeing as he didn't have anything better to do Mon followed. As the man walked out of the village and into the woods Mon grew a little suspicious but continued following, once they where a fair distance into the woods the man turned around and began to speak. "I'm part of a group in Reim who are looking to push the Kou out." The man said as he looked around kinda paranoid "Our leader Roark has been looking for men to join the cause, and I'm extending an invitation to you." the man said holding out a hand. Mon gave the offer thought 'If the Kou can be pushed out of Reim my country wouldn't have to worry about the Kou attacking from to fronts.' he concluded as from what little he knew on the Kou they where adamant on global domination 'If the Kou solidify their hold of Reim however then my nation would have to worry about attacks from Reim and Kou.' making his decision he took the mans hand and shook it "I'll help, but know that this is me alone for personal reasons, this does not involve the Imuchakk people as a whole." he said. The man smiled "It's good to have you with us, our ship leaves in an hour." he said "I'll be there." Mon answered as he went home to pack grabbing some of his extra clothes and his shark tooth that he pocketed. As he left his house he looked around 'I wonder how long it'll be until I see my home again.' he thought as he walked off towards the docks his goal to protect his people.

The boat ride was long and the food terrible but as Mon stared up at the gates of Reim he hoped he was doing the right thing. Mon followed the directions to where he was told to go.

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